Central Pentlands Circular Walking

Gentle grassy ridge walking, shapely small summits and easy access from Edinburgh - no wonder the Pentlands are popular. But despite their almost suburban location these are still proper hills. The central peaks in the chain are the most striking, and the busiest; but go midweek and you could have them to yourself. The bus service on the nearby A702 makes a linear walk possible, but a longer circular route is covered here.

Carnethy Hill from above Green Cleugh  © Dan Bailey - UKHillwalking.com
Carnethy Hill from above Green Cleugh
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NT2331163069 Go up-glen either on the (private) road or the parallel woodland path. At a junction go left onto a track, then immediately left again over a footbridge on the Logan Burn. The path now leads uphill along a little ridge. The slope soon steepens. Climb through a band of trees towards Turnhouse Hill. The most-used path cuts just left of the first summit to reach the main top beyond.

NT2126262650 Follow the path along the ridge (you can't miss it), down into a gap and then up quite steeply onto Carnethy Hill, where a giant, collapsed (and possibly ancient?) cairn has been appropriated to build several windbreaks.

NT2037161898 The path now descends a broad crest leading into the next pronounced col. Cross a fence and a lateral path here, then follow the part-engineered trail on a steep zigzag ascent onto Scald Law, highest summit in the Pentlands.

NT1915961074 Descend roughly WSW, where the wide grassy path soon becomes a narrower and stonier trail. This takes a descending traverse across the hill’s northwest flank to the next little dip in the ridge. Nip quickly over East Kip, then make a last short climb onto neighbouring West Kip. This wee hill has a nice narrow summit ridge, making it the most distinctive top in the Pentlands. If only there were ten times more of it. Descend the steep west flank to join a farm track. Turn right onto this to loop around the wide head of the Logan glen. As the track begins to climb the far side of the trough cut right onto a narrower footpath.

NT1679561297 This path runs across the heathery flank of Hare Hill. After about 1km of boggy going the trail makes a steep zigzag descent into the floor of Green Cleugh, quite a dramatic little ravine. Pass a waterfall and some broken crags to reach the tarmac road at the isolated house of The Howe.

NT1899662057 The road leads all the way home, past Loganlea and Glencorse Reservoirs.

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