Logbook for Chaos

Best Climbing Experience

Hiking wise: all of them, I just love being on the summit, Snowdon and Helvelyn possibly the favourites. Been on the grit a few times in the last 6 months, but many more to come and just started lead climbing on the walls, I often go to Rock City in Hull and quite like the foundry for a change.:) I have an In-house Instructor award at Rock City, and also FUNdamentals 1 & 2 with BMC.

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Showing 9 filtered results
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Montezuma's Revenge 6b 2nd Jimbobski 5 Aug, 2012 Horseshoe Quarry
Twyfords 6a 2nd Jimbobski 5 Aug, 2012 Horseshoe Quarry
Black Hawk HS 4c ** 2nd Jimbobski 5 Aug, 2012 Stanage Popular
Heather Wall VS 4c ** 2nd Jimbobski 5 Aug, 2012 Stanage Popular
Devil's Kneecap S 4a * 2nd Jimbobski 28 May, 2011 Headend quarry
Snail Wall S 4a 2nd Jimbobski 28 May, 2011 Headend quarry
Crusthound HVS 5b * 2nd Jimbobski 28 May, 2011 Headend quarry
Bloodhound E1 5b ** 2nd Jimbobski 28 May, 2011 Headend quarry
Headend Chimney MS 2nd Jimbobski 28 May, 2011 Headend quarry
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