Logbook for Tiddles09

Best Climbing Experience

August 1st 2010, me and two friends went to Brimham climbing, Id just recently broke the barrier between S and HS and was aiming to climb HS's all day. First climb of the day thought best warm up so choice an S4a Fag slab to warm up on. We then moved onto Pig traverse HS 4b which had defeated me on a previous trip, so I was determined to complete it and this was my main task for the day. I Lead this climb and finally completed it and words cannot describe how happy I was. We then moved onto another 2 HS one which I lead but was more like a bouldering problem. We then decided to do one last climb and went to climb Cubic corner which at the time I fought was a HS but turned out to be a MVS, this proved a difficult climb with little available areas to place 'Bomma' gear but once reached the top this was soooo rewarding and allowed me to complete my day objective and then some. Was truly a great day climbing which nothing has come close too ... so far!

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Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
The North Ridge (Summer) Grade-1 *** Solo O/S AC 18 Aug, 2011 Tryfan
Stepped Crack D ** AltLd O/S AC 17 Aug, 2011 Tryfan Fach [Little Tryfan]
Crack 2 D * AltLd O/S AC 17 Aug, 2011 Tryfan Fach [Little Tryfan]
Little Tryfan Arete D ** Lead O/S AC 17 Aug, 2011 Tryfan Fach [Little Tryfan]
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