Logbook for chriswitts1

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77 entries in this logbook showing 51-75
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Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
The Wandering Primrose S 4a * Lead O/S Jon Smith 21 Oct, 2007 Holyhead Mountain
Pigeon Hole Crack S 4a * Lead O/S Jon Smith 21 Oct, 2007 Holyhead Mountain
Hope VD *** AltLd O/S Jon Smith 21 Oct, 2007 Idwal Slabs (aka Cwm Idwal)
Groove Above S 4b ** 2nd Jon Smith 20 Oct, 2007 Idwal Slabs (aka Cwm Idwal)
Fallen Block Climb VD * Lead O/S Dan Caldwell 23 Sep, 2007 Cattle Troughs
Bonsai 3c Lead O/S Ash Edwards 23 Sep, 2007 The Cuttings
Tethered by Gravity 4c * Lead O/S Ash Edwards 22 Sep, 2007 Hedbury
Another Contribution 2a * Lead O/S Ash Edwards 22 Sep, 2007 Hedbury
Moral Flexibility 5a * Lead O/S Ash Edwards 22 Sep, 2007 Hedbury
Pedestal Chimney VD Lead O/S Ash Edwards 21 Sep, 2007 Subluminal and Lighthouse...
Inspiration S 4a * Lead O/S Rich Hopkins 18 Sep, 2007 Cattle Troughs
Tension VS 4b *** 2nd Jon Smith 9 Sep, 2007 Holyhead Mountain
Thread S 4a 2nd Jon Smith 9 Sep, 2007 Holyhead Mountain
Mrs Murdock S 4a Lead O/S Jon Smith 9 Sep, 2007 Holyhead Mountain
Tempest S 4a * Lead O/S Jon Smith 9 Sep, 2007 Holyhead Mountain
New Boots and Panties S 4a * 2nd Jon Smith 8 Sep, 2007 Holyhead Mountain
Cursing VS 4c ** 2nd Jon Smith 8 Sep, 2007 Holyhead Mountain
Thread S 4a Lead O/S Jon Smith 8 Sep, 2007 Holyhead Mountain
Wally's Folly VD * Lead O/S Jon Smith 8 Sep, 2007 Holyhead Mountain
Greasy Chimney VD Lead O/S Rich Hopkins Sep, 2007 Subluminal and Lighthouse...
Pulpit Route D ** Lead O/S Dan Caldwell Sep, 2007 Cattle Troughs
Hangover VS 5a * 2nd Jon Smith 18 Jul, 2007 Cattle Troughs
The Chimney Direct Finish S 4a * Lead O/S Jon Smith Jul, 2007 Cattle Troughs
Chockney VD 4a * Lead β Jon Smith Jul, 2007 Cattle Troughs
Pedestal Crack D Lead O/S Jon Smith Jul, 2007 Subluminal and Lighthouse...
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