Rhapsody - "a wee gem for locals with nice moves"

© Steven Gordon
With lots of interest in Rhapsody, Dave MacLeod's magnum opus at Dumbarton Rock, Dave has written what are arguably his most frank words about this route.

Recently the Canadian Sonnie Trotter and a raiding party from the South comprising of Steve McClure, James Pearson and John Dunne have all been on the route and have all made various comments, both publicly and privately, about the line, its quality and the grade of this route which has been given a hypothetical onsight grade of E11, the first time ever.

Dave MacLeod says on his blog:

"Talking of which, I read that folk have been disappointed that Rhapsody has an escape line at a couple of points. I was disappointed with this also when I was working on it, but hey sometimes you can't have everything. It's got good moves, good rock, good difficulty and good situation even if the line is not 100% perfect. What it really is, is a wee gem for locals with nice moves. It's not important anyway – if it appeals to the climber, they will climb it or otherwise..."

You can read more at including good commentary by Dave on his progress on his current Ben Nevis project on Echo Wall.

See the earlier news report at, May 23: Rhapsody E11 - "An Eliminate"

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6 Jun, 2008
What have any of the English party said publicly about the route? I thought everything I've heard has been hear-say. I suppose they might think it's fair enough not to comment publicly on a route they haven't climbed but given it's a subject of some interest to the 'climbing community' I'd have thought the climbing media might have at least thought to ask them for some comment. So, Mick and Jack, have you asked any of them for comment with your UKC News editor hats on? A bit of UKC door-stoping is what's called for here. Steve McClure, you read this site what have you got to say for yourself?
6 Jun, 2008
Hype it's all hype and sponsorship.
6 Jun, 2008
hype whipped up by the UKC-non news machine rather than the guys on the ground....
6 Jun, 2008
It's all from the ground I can assure you. Dave has done and written, Sonnie has done and written, the boys have done and spoke. This is of interest to many climbers. I'm off climbing, have a good weekend. Mick
6 Jun, 2008
Wince, wince. 'Comprising', Mick, 'comprising'. Or 'consisting of'. One or the other. You some estate agent or something? jcm
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