Dumbarton Rock Tourism Workshops Announced

© Jonathan Bean

A series of workshops focussing on ways to improve tourism around the renowned Glaswegian climbing hotspot Dumbarton Rock and its historical castle will be taking place over the next four days.

Councillors, local business owners and members of the local community have been invited to attend the interactive design workshops held in the Dumbarton Football Club and Dumbarton Burgh Hall to build a specific 'community masterplan' - with the aim of transforming the Rock and its waterfront into a first-class tourist destination.

Organisations taking part in the workshops include West Dunbartonshire Council and Historic Scotland, as well as planners and tourism experts.

It is unclear as yet whether any plans proposed may affect the climbing at Dumbarton Rock, or indeed if any climbers are involved in the consultations. 

We hope to follow this story as the workshops and consultations develop.

See the original BBC Report for more information.

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25 Feb, 2015
Wish I could be there. I hope the local climbing scene has a good turn-out, seems like a great opportunity to influence some positive changes.
26 Feb, 2015
I was there this evening with John Stewart Watson and it was a really interesting meeting. A lot of local people have been engaged in the process so far and it's great to see the place getting some long overdue attention. Thankfully for us climbers, the climbing area is safely nestled under the protection of Historic Scotland with whom we currently have a great understanding. The planners involved were very interested in our perspective as climbers and understand that we don't want to see the climbing area compromised in any way. What we will hopefully see, is the old manky brick wall knocked down and some landscaping done to improve line of sight to the bouldering area. Most of the focus in terms of development appeared to be to regenerate the Marina next to Levengrove Park and link the Rock to the town through a riverfront walkway. Thankfully heritage and leisure uses were being talked about a fair bit as opposed to just housing or retail developments. There was also talk of illuminating the castle/rock at night and even some interpretation boards explaining Dumby's immense climbing heritage. All positive things I'd say!
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