IFSC announces Livestreaming Subscription Deal

© UKC News

The IFSC has announced the signing of a 3-year deal with US-based sports livestreaming company Flosports to host IFSC World Cup climbing events on its platform. From now on, spectators are required to pay a subscription fee of up to £120 per year or £16 per month to watch the IFSC series of livestreams. The service will be in place from this weekend's IFSC Boulder World Cup event in Meiringen, Switzerland.

IFSC Livestreaming becomes subscription-based  © UKC News
IFSC Livestreaming becomes subscription-based

In a press release from the IFSC, the partnership is said to 'allow the IFSC to invest more resources than ever before into Sport Climbing,' resulting in 'a more viable economic environment for the events, host countries and athletes.' The IFSC also claim that the deal will enable the creation of more content of a higher production quality with in depth coverage, all of which - they claim - will mean reaching 'a broader audience.'

The decision to sell the livestreaming of events and the consequent subscription fees has met with an overwhelmingly negative response from unconsulted competitors and IFSC event fans on social media, just days before the IFSC competition season kicks off. A petition has been launched by Innsbruck-based media producer, livestreamer and former international competitor Peter Crane, which has so far attracted over 3,800 signatures and has been shared by competition teams, including Austria Climbing. Many complainants are expressing concern for the accessibility of the new livestream service, which could prevent spectators from watching the events due to financial reasons.

IFSC President, Marco Scolaris commented in the press release: 'With our partner FloSports we are beginning a new adventure. We'll offer climbing fans a deeper level of event and climbing coverage. FloSports' interest in climbing will also allow the IFSC to invest more in high quality production at IFSC events to bring the beauty and excitement of sport climbing to its fans.'

Described as an 'innovator in live digital sports' which partners with event right holders and governing bodies to produce livestreaming, video programming and weekly studio shows, Flosports is already involved in media production for multiple sports including wrestling, grappling, MMA, elite fitness, softball, tennis, pro wrestling and gymnastics amongst other activities.

The IFSC is yet to comment on the response of athletes and spectators on social media. More information to follow...

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6 Apr, 2017
This move is an insult to the thousands of climbers who enjoy watching the WC events online. They are the ones being sold to the highest bidder, most will be priced out of watching, and the sport surely will suffer as a result. As a matter of principle I would not subscribe, even though I was looking forward to watching this weekend's boulder WC. Unless we hear something more convincing from the IFSC I would hope that others would also refuse to subscribe, even if the cost for them personally is not prohibitive. I think that would be the best way to get the message across that climbers are not happy.
6 Apr, 2017
Some huge blunders from the IFSC recently: - Triple format inc speed climbing for the Olympics - Removal of the 4+ rule in the bouldering, killing suspense - Slashing audience viewing of comps by ~90% in order to make a quick bit of cash How do you start a motion of no confidence against the IFSC? ;-)
6 Apr, 2017
To be fair the triple format may well have been the best outcome possible in the circumstances, and viewed as a stepping stone towards individual event inclusion. I agree with your other points. I wonder if the 4+ rule was a prerequisite insisted upon by Flosports? That would compound the problem considerably.
6 Apr, 2017
What's this 4+ rule please?
6 Apr, 2017
'allow the IFSC to invest more resources than ever before into Sport Climbing' So, are the IFSC going to subsidise replacing bolts in existing SPORT CLIMBING locations ? Or are they instead going to continue claiming to control SPORT climbing rather than COMPETITION climbing. The former has a large number of participants, the latter has a fraction of the participants.
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