Alain Robert Climbs the World's Tallest Building

Alain Robert climbed to the top of the world's tallest building on Saturday - Taipei 101 in Taiwan. He took almost four hours to reach the top of the 1,679 foot building. The climb took him nearly twice as long as he had expected, partly because of dreary weather. Unlike on his normal ascents of tall buildings, this time he used a rope and pitched the climb taking breaks every 8 floors.

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26 Dec, 2004
By the sound of it he was climbing it officially as part of the opening celebrations. Presumably that's why he had a rope too. Still, a novel way to open a new building. CCW
31 Dec, 2004
Alain Robert may climb buildings, but he's hardly what I would call a urban climber.
31 Dec, 2004
Thats quite a long toprope!!!!
31 Dec, 2004
His mates just happened to have a 1700ft rope hanging around...
31 Dec, 2004
Isn't it amazing how the presence of a toprope in the picture has the effect of making even amazing 'superclimbers' like Alain look like a punter!!
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