UKClimbing Summit Meeting

© UKC News

There have been some changes to over the last few months and this weekend we had an informal meeting at UKC HQ to discuss ideas for future site developments. Present were Mick Ryan, Jack Geldard, Nick Smith and myself, Alan James.

UKC technical man Nick Smith is currently hard at work on moving the site to a new server which will give us improved bandwidth and also should be significantly faster and more reliable. Once this work is completed the next job will be the long-awaited improvements to the Logbook pages which will incorporate the improved Crag Database. We have had a lot of great ideas for this supplied by UKC users including the addition of a Training Diary and Trip Reports, plus major improvements to the Crag moderation system.

Once that work has been completed we are planning on a few tweaks and improvements to the site layout which hopefully should be done by the end of the year. We will continue to bring more new articles from established and new authors and, as ever, we are always keen to receive feedback and ideas from the UKC readers.

After almost 8 hours of sitting around a table talking on Saturday we needed a bit of outside action on Sunday. Stoney Middleton was the venue where we managed to find plenty of dry rock in spite of the rain. UKC Editor Jack Geldard, who had never previously climbed at Stoney, climbed the route Traffic Jam - an ever-dry E5 6b in one of the bays (see video). We followed it up with an ascent of the classic Scoop Wall as the weather cleared.

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6 Jul, 2008
That vid makes me want to go and climb at Stoney! There's two routes on my wishlist on that bit of crag (if it's the bit I think!). Luckily I have a trip planned there in the next couple of weeks - although with the intention of doing the three through route, not those routes. Not so keen on the music though, although it does put me in mind of busy little UKC people.
6 Jul, 2008
I enjoyed the short video. I noticed a couple of errors in the route description. A popular training excercise....The driect is harder but less moves The last phrase should read "The direct is harder, but [has] fewer moves" lsn
7 Jul, 2008
No sound when I watch, tried to watch it from the Youtube and it wouldn't play at all? J
7 Jul, 2008
Music composed by busy little UKC person's daughter on Garage Band (not that I am letting this fact get me disproportionately offended by your comment). We were amazed at how dry the crag was in the conditions. It was raining really heavily but there were still a few routes completely dry and several with just wetish finishes. The funny thing is that 25 years ago, before climbing walls, I used to know that Stoney was always dry. Alan
7 Jul, 2008
I can't believe you sent Jack up the gnarly, fingery direct, Alan. The original which swings left and laybacks off the short flake is a far more elegant solution. Let me know if you want a 'proper' guide next time you come to Stoney, Jack. Neil ;-)
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