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Sun sets of the Julian Alps - taken just below the Dom Planika
© Duncan_Andison
Camera used: Canon 5D mkii
Date taken: 8th July 2010
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User Comments

Brilliant!, wish I was there
Jamie Hageman - 16/Aug/10
Thanks Jamie.... it was blowing a gale and it was bitter but yes, I would love to be back there right now, it was a great place!
Duncan_Andison - 17/Aug/10
Gorgeous colours, Toon!
dek - 17/Aug/10
Cheers.... it was a bit of a rush. I hadn't realised how close the sun was to setting, to busy knocking back the beers in the hut and nearly missed it!
Duncan_Andison - 18/Aug/10
Without the foreground this would be a very average photo. Lovely!
Sean Kelly - 22/Aug/10
Thanks Sean.... You hit the nail on the head. Taking a photograph is a lot more than pressing a button, thinking about how the foreground leads the eye to the middle ground and eventually the main focal point is vey important. A good photo should be the sum of all parts. In this case without the background it would be a pile of rocks :-)
Duncan_Andison - 22/Aug/10
Just visited your website Duncan, and I am very impressed by some of your images, especially the urban night shot of a bridge? Interesting that we both have an art background.
Sean Kelly - 26/Aug/10
Cheers Sean, that one is the Millenium Bridge over the river Tyne. just rebuilding the site, went live yesterday! How did you find it? Kiser to work as a commercial illustrator in London, I realised quickly it wasn't how I imagined it to be loads of people working on one project, it never felt like your own work... Oil painting, now that's something else :-) I wish I had more free time!
Duncan_Andison - 26/Aug/10
Kiser = I used to work as. Bliddy iPhone changing things :-)
Duncan_Andison - 26/Aug/10
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This picture is copyright. Photo added August 16 2010.
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