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How to train in a rented house.. with a bit of DIY!
© derico, Sep 2010
My Room
Camera used: From phone
Date taken: 2nd September 2010
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User Comments

Nice set up. What fingerboard is that?
Maestro - 27/Nov/10
Who hung the picture in the other room!?
Mark Savage - 27/Nov/10
Stevie Wonder...
gungan - 27/Nov/10
@Mark: You can tell it's not hung because the string on the back drops down. My guess is that it's stood on a cabinet or shelf.
Phil West - 28/Nov/10
How did you attach the board to the bar? I used rope loops for mine.
Monk - 30/Nov/10
It's my own design.. now owned by the Redpoint climbing wall in Brum. I made a kind of hook with a second piece of ply and a length of pine sandwiched between, so it can be easily taken off or put up.
This picture is actually upside down and that other picture is the right way up.. thats why the string looks funny!
derico - 01/Dec/10
Your own design? I have mine set up the same from a link i got on the net, sorry to pee on your chips but the design has been around a while
chris fox - 23/Dec/10
No mate, I meant the fingerboard and holds, which I made with a router and rasp.. yeah the set up to attach it to the bar has been around for about 20 years! haha
derico - 26/Dec/10
whats the link on the net that you got the setup from?
Ojas - 30/Dec/10
Don't have a link, think I must have just seen it somewhere and just bodged it so it fits the power bar.
You can see how the bottom works just get enough wood so the board hangs level.. which depends how thick you door frame. (They are just two lots of 2 by 3 lengths screwed together at either side of the board)
For the top just put a second piece of wood similar to how the campus rung is attached, but right at the top on the back (Wide-enough for the bar to fit in). Then screw a second piece of ply as long as the campus rung and about 150mm long onto the strip of wood to act as a hook.. Bob's your uncle!
I could email you a few pics if you want.
derico - 04/Jan/11
I think this is the link:
daveth - 26/Mar/11
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This picture is copyright. If you want to reproduce or otherwise re-use it, please email the photographer direct via their user profile. Photo added November 27 2010.
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