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I'm an outdoor education instructor based in Victoria, Australia, passionate about supporting young people to develop curiosity and love for natural environments. My first climbing experiences were on Yorkshire and North Wales limestone, and I've since chalked up many enjoyable hours on grit, granite, sandstone and assorted choss throughout Victoria. My idea of a great day out on rock involves long, rambly adventurous routes with a break for morning or afternoon tea. Some favourite memories include epics in the Cathedral Ranges (Spiegals Overhang, Junglescope), cragging at Leanganook/Mt Alexander (Dog Rocks) and many fantastic outings at Djurite/Mt Arapiles. Of particular note at Djurite, sunrise missions on Tiptoe Ridge and Didgeridoo, leisurely rambles up Ivan and Blockbuster and jaunts up the fantastic Bard, Agamemnon and Muldoon.

Castlemaine, Victoria Australia

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