A Mile an Hour - Running a different kind of marathon

Packing on the pounds after writing a PhD, Beau Miles is running again. He’s also back in the shed; fixing stuff, making things, tinkering. For most of us, running was once a form of survival, hunting- or being hunted. Now, it can be as meaningful, or meaningless, than any other aspect of life. Running for Beau is practical- it gets him places, yet like a lot of runners, it's deeply embodied. He defines himself by where his feet take him, thinking about his other forms of life as he runs. Combining a need to get rid of the gut, to run again, and spend some quality time in the shed, Beau will run a mile an hour around his perfectly mile-long block. In between, he’ll do as much as possible, likely becoming the fullest, meaningful, most trivial day of Beau’s life.

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