Steve McClure climbs Final Round E8, Dovedale, Peak District

The Final Round in Dovedale, one of the hardest trad routes on Peak Limestone, got lots of attention in 2021, including repeats by Steve McClure and Adam Bowman.

Ilam Rock has caught Steve’s attention previously; back in 2006 he made the first ever on-sight of Eye of the Tiger, Ron Fawcett’s stunning line from 1982 on which The Final Round is heavily based.

After his ascent of The Final Round Steve said: “I’ve been meaning to try it for a while but things didn’t fall into place. But this year the weather has been amazing with conditions really good and I’ve been just gagging to try it.”

Steve abbed down the week before his ascent to inspect the whole line: “I could see it was my kind of climbing – lots of little edges, loads of features. I checked out the gear and then just had to get a belay. Steve returned on Monday with Hadyn Jones and warmed up top roping sections of the route.

After his first go send Steve said; “It was a lot more pumpy than I thought it was going to be. I hadn’t really worked it [very well] so I was improvising as I went along. “

4 Feb, 2022

I have seen the video on BMCTV YouTube Channel.

Steve gives a very good description of the route and tells the history of it.

Congratulations and well done.

Steve has always encouraged me to climb hard.


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