Deep Water Soloing in Vietnam with Kyra Condie and Tim Emmett

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Deep Water Soloing in Vietnam with Kyra Condie and Tim Emmett

Deep Water Soloing in Vietnam with Kyra Condie and Tim Emmett

“Deep Water” is a captivating exploration of fear, mentorship, and deep water soloing in panoramic Ha Long Bay, Vietnam with psicobloc pioneer Tim Emmett and competition climber Kyra Condie. Watch as Kyra learns from the master, tackles the fear of climbing high above the water, and then succeeds on one of the hardest deep water solos in Vietnam, The “Lightning Crack” graded 5.13. Ha Long Bay, Vietnam is a scenic climbing venue with over 3000 limestone formations dotting the ocean bay. Tim Emmett helped put “psicobloc” climbing on the map in Vietnam in the early 2000’s and has returned again to pass the torch to Kyra Condie, an aspiring and versatile climber with deep roots in competition and bouldering.

21 Aug, 2020

No chalk bags were harmed during production of this great video.

21 Aug, 2020

Why the hell did you put that in the description? I mean really.

Beggars belief. Why notit just say " attempts one of the hardest etc"

22 Aug, 2020

I missed that and got stuck straight in, thankfully, as it would have spoiled it somewhat – if it were correct!

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