Mont Blanc 4808m - Chamonix

137 / 267 Friday Night Videos

Mont Blanc 4808m - Chamonix

Mont Blanc 4808m - Chamonix

4 Nov, 2016
Another brilliant video. it brought back wonderful memories of when we did it. Still counts as my most memorable mountain experience. Two, alone, arriving at the summit just as the sun was coming up plus a Brocken Spectre. Thanks Dave.
4 Nov, 2016
Thanks a million Brian and I'm glad it evoked some happy memories for you! A rare brocken spectre for you as well, what a treat! :-) Cheers Dave
4 Nov, 2016
Brilliant, an evening ascent from the security of my arm chair.
4 Nov, 2016
Well done! Very inspiring - the smile at the summit said it all!
5 Nov, 2016
Lovely. Thanks Dave, particularly enjoyed the music on this one - though maybe it just suits my mood at two in the morning : )
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