The Ant & The Whale

194 / 267 Friday Night Videos

The Ant & The Whale

The Ant & The Whale

Based on a conversation between Dom Bush and Ian Almond about mountains and identity. Filmed in Torridon on Fionn Buttress and An Teallach.

A film by Land and Sky.
Directed by Dom Bush
Edited by Simon Sylvester.
Words from Ian Almond.
Original music from Mike Fearon.
Exped support from Shieldaig Adventures.

14 Dec, 2018

Well that was rather good - not maudlin, just good photography and a thoughtful view of what matters. 

15 Dec, 2018

Thought that was brilliant. Must have been through a lot of darkness after the accident, and it would have been very tempting to make a film about that, but to make one with such a positive message feels like a much greater accomplishment. A welcome reminder not to get too confident, too. Also, really liked the animations.

15 Dec, 2018

Great stuff.

15 Dec, 2018

Hey Dom, I really enjoyed watching this slightly dark, well told story. A story thats easy to relate to but told in a very captivating way. Nice work. 

15 Dec, 2018

Watched it right through. A lot of it rings close to home & true. The destination is not as important as the quality of the journey. Nice one.

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