Lines of Flight

142 / 267 Friday Night Videos

Lines of Flight

Lines of Flight

Insightful with a little frisson of fear, LINES OF FLIGHT teases out a relationship between twentieth-century economic labour in Britain?€?s industrial north, the world of mass-consumption that people inhabit today, and solo rock climbing?€?ascending a rock face without using any ropes, harnesses or other protective equipment?€?on the outcrops and crags at the margins of what are now termed the metropolitan inner cities.

19 May, 2017
Watched Martin soloing at Almscliffe one day, effortless !
19 May, 2017
That footage of Wellington Crack is incredible. So brilliantly raw
19 May, 2017
Tonally not everyone's cup of tea, I'm sure, but that was fantastic. And refreshing. It had a strange technical quality to it also, I thought, perhaps as though it was shot on a slightly older video format such as DV-Cam. Maybe just the upload compression. Or my shoddy internet connection.
19 May, 2017
Best climbing video I've seen for ages. The fact that the climbs were not named, and were only an equal part to the other elements of the film, made the sentiment of Lines of Flight seem even more sincere. Fantastic.
19 May, 2017
Great vid. Brought back a lot of memories. Not welly boot crack though, wouldn't solo that.
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