
251 / 267 Friday Night Videos



Simon Bischoff climbs Firetail, an absolutely stonking route, on Flinders Island in the middle of Bass Strait.

23 Oct, 2020

What incredible rock at Flinders Island! Who eats an orange like that though....

23 Oct, 2020

I just wondered, watching this and other videos, is it not cheating a bit having the quickdraws already in place? Not wanting to take anything away from the expertise and difficulty of this route, but, really, wouldn't it be 'real climbing' or as near to trad, if you had to place the quickdraw too?

23 Oct, 2020

When it’s a red point it is usual to have draws in place.

24 Oct, 2020

You're either trolling, or massively missing the point here and having some weird trad ego trip.

24 Oct, 2020

Is there some local ethic that prevents the first part of Firetail being bolted? Is the first section part of a trad line?

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