etape du tour transport

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 jethro kiernan 07 Mar 2014
Any one have any experiance of the etape du tour and the logistics of getting back from the finish line, I can get a lift/leave car at the start line and i can leave some stuff at the start line but getting back from the finish to the start line/back to Foix seems a little vague at the moment. Dont want to impose on friends for a pick up and dont think I have enough brownie points to ask Mrs K to hang around another finish line. Obviosly rule #5 dictates I should turn around and cycle back but probably not an option
 yorkshireman 07 Mar 2014
In reply to jethro kiernan:

When I did it last year the route was almost a loop, so we were expected to make it back down the mountain on our own steam (20km or so, downhill all hte way back into Annecy) which was probably the only sensible option open to the organisers.

The year before I did a more traditional point-to-point one - you buy a navette ticket when you register, drop your car at the finish line the day before and get the bus back to the start. This happens most years I think.

The website says this too in their FAQ section:

There is a shuttle service available on the eve of the race, allowing you to leave your vehicle near the finishing line. Saturday, July 19th 2014, between 9am and 6pm, shuttles will run regularly from Argelès-Gazost to Pau (host village). Shuttle seats must be booked in advance at the time of registration.

Therefore, you can leave your vehicle near the finishing line and return to the host village with the shuttle.
In reply to yorkshireman:

Got that bit off the website but there doesnt seem to be any way of getting back in and booking retrospectivly
 yorkshireman 09 Mar 2014
In reply to jethro kiernan:

Ah - try emailing [email protected] and asking if you can work something out. They're quite helpful and you've nothing to lose.

Bottom line is leaving your car at the end is a free-for-all with no real reserved parking, so if you can sort out transport back as a last resort after dropping off your car then you'll have to do that.

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