Hip/buttock pain - one week to fix

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 Tetleysteabags 05 Jul 2020


Hoping for some guidance or maybe someone has had the same issue.

16 weeks into training for a challenge I've set myself and after a long bike ride (following a 38k hill run 1 day prior), I went out for a recovery 30 min run and ended up with quite a bit of discomfort in my hip.

It's not at the front but almost behind my hip bone and into the buttock cheek (kind of where you would stick a lacrosse ball/foam roller).

It feels like something (tendon?) - a piece of thin rope - is being pulled taught between my hip and probably my knee, and is being dragged over something else in my hip and buttock, each time I step.

I gave it a weeks rest, and went out for a run and had to stop after 5 mins as I felt it coming on again. Went out for a walk instead and I could feel it nagging me and flaring up a little.

Have searched for common reasons, and feel like it's probably something that's inflamed, but wondering if anyone else has had something similar (assume it's fairly common) and if the have any magic solutions?

Starting to worry as I'm meant to be doing the event this coming weekend.

 SouthernSteve 05 Jul 2020
In reply to Tetleysteabags:

Just book yourself in for physio appointment on line as soon as possible, you have made a big training investment after all! Might be piriformis, but I am not an expert. Also might be taper madness and nothing much at all. 

 Andy Taylor 05 Jul 2020
In reply to Tetleysteabags

I had something similar- like someone drilling into my hip. It was a trapped nerve in my back. 

 climberchristy 05 Jul 2020
In reply to Tetleysteabags:

You mentioned tightness between hip and knee. Is it painful / tight at outside of knee? I'm wondering if you've tightened up your ITB. 

 Dave the Rave 05 Jul 2020
In reply to Tetleysteabags:

Sounds like a tight ITB with some trochanteric overtones. This could develop to bursitis. 
Rest it up to the event and foam roller glutes and all the outside of your leg like feck.

Post edited at 19:03
In reply to SouthernSteve:

I will try and get something in tomorrow/tuesday - not sure how much value I'll get in the 4-5 days I've got but worth a shot

In reply to climberchristy:

So I've had a very tight IT band on the other side previously, so much that it was rubbing very badly on the outside of my knee and I had to stop for ~1.5 months with some physio.

This pain is different in that it feels like the rub is up in my hip.

I've been foam rolling and using a cricket ball on my TFL and hoping that helps soothes it, and going to focus a little more on glutes too...

In reply to Dave the Rave:

Just looked up trochanteric bursitis and it does seem fairly spot on, I can feel something pinging over the top of the greater tronchater when I walk or run, the 'tight rope' I described in my OP.

Foam rolling and stretching it is..

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