Need two climbers for tomorrow.

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 skiascent 13 Sep 2013

Bit of a long shot.

The weathers looking good for tomorrow. (Saturday 14th )

I'm looking for two individuals or a couple to take climbing in the Lake District.

A great opportunity to gain more experience and improve your climbing or even try out some climbing outside. Add it to your weekend trip perhaps. I could be open to some graded scrambling as well.

This offer comes without any expense.

I'm currently working on a qualification and need some further training before my test. Therefore I'm able to offer this opportunity at no expense.

I can also provide all the technical equipment if needed.

The same applies for this coming week in N Wales particularly Tuesday 17th Sept. I have one person lined up for Tuesday and could do with someone else to join in the fun.


If you are interested and available please email.

[email protected]

 cfer 13 Sep 2013
In reply to skiascent: Does it have to be the Lakes....BMC Wiltonfest is on tomorrow in Lancashire and am sure there would be many people happy to take you up on the offer, I certainly would and if I had transport to the lakes would come there.
OP skiascent 13 Sep 2013
In reply to cfer: Thanks for the reply. Great idea but ideally I need to be on multi pitch crags!
 cfer 13 Sep 2013
In reply to skiascent: If you are doing any other weekends after this I would be game

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