Transpennine Meet - Sunday 22 December

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 CarolineMc 28 Nov 2013
We used to have a regular UKC Transpennine Meet - climbing, walking and / or beers - for people living across the transpennine corridor mostly between Manchester and Leeds. A few of us still get together before Christmas for a bimble and beer and we'd like to open it out again to the UKC masses!!

So, Saturday 22 December, meet at 11am at the Cross Keys Inn, Running Hill Gate above Uppermill.

Streetmap link:

Google Link:

Climbers can go and do epic climbing shenanigans, walkers can go for a wander over to Pots and Pans, and the plan is that we all meet back at the pub for food, drink and jovial conversation when it starts to get dark. For anyone who doesn't fancy the energetic stuff, just join us at the pub from about 3.30pm! Partners, dogs and other hangers on very welcome!!!

So who's in?!

Clauso 28 Nov 2013
In reply to CarolineMc:

Count me in... I'm looking forward to it, as I've never met a Yorkshireman. I hear that they have hairy palms?
Franklin the pedantic cat 28 Nov 2013
I'm in.
OP CarolineMc 28 Nov 2013
In reply to Franklin the pedantic cat:

Excellent! Co:
Clauso 28 Nov 2013
In reply to CarolineMc:

Just the three of us then?

P.S. It's your round.
 pog100 28 Nov 2013
In reply to CarolineMc:

I'll put it in the diary, but not sure of plans yet. Would be nice to see a few "old" faces again. This will bump it anyway.
johnj 28 Nov 2013
In reply to pog100:

Oh eye, it's bin a while. I'll come along tradition an all that
OP CarolineMc 28 Nov 2013
In reply to Clauso:

> P.S. It's your round.

At least one, I think. And a roast! Co:
OP CarolineMc 28 Nov 2013
In reply to johnj and Pog:

Would be great to see you, it's been ages! ! Co:
OP CarolineMc 29 Nov 2013
In reply to CarolineMc:

A Friday afternoon bump for anyone gazing at their computer screen in the office wishing for it to be 5 o'clock. ..

johnj 29 Nov 2013
In reply to CarolineMc:
> (In reply to johnj and Pog)
> Would be great to see you, it's been ages! ! Co:

Yeah how time flies! I'll try and get over in the morning, not got out in the hills much this year.

see you soon :+)
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 mattnuttall 04 Dec 2013
In reply to CarolineMc:

Aye... am in.
 Tall Clare 04 Dec 2013
In reply to CarolineMc:

I'm likely to be in - it's in my diary. I'll be accompanied by the Spottyhound.
 mattnuttall 04 Dec 2013
In reply to CarolineMc:

have also created an event on Bury Mountaineering Club website so may turn up with a posse... should be good. Thanks for organising.
OP CarolineMc 04 Dec 2013
In reply to mattnuttall:

Superb, thanks Matt! Co:
Green-Winged Orchid 09 Dec 2013
In reply to CarolineMc:

Mmm, ah
OP CarolineMc 09 Dec 2013
In reply to Green-Winged Orchid:

Is that a yes mmmmmm or a no mmmmmm oh orchid one?! Co:
Green-Winged Orchid 09 Dec 2013
In reply to CarolineMc:
I'm mmm'ing and ah'ing

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