Jack Osbourne

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Jon Sparks 09 Dec 2004
apperently Jack Osbourne has started climbing, at the bristol wall, it was in the local paper, is this true?
Mark Wood 09 Dec 2004
In reply to Jon Sparks:

It must be.

Steve Wright mentioned it on R2.
jamiemcp 09 Dec 2004
In reply to Jon Sparks:
yer He was in OTE this month on a trip to the med with tim emet and leo holding
 BrianT 09 Dec 2004
In reply to Jon Sparks: fat tosser with a crap haircut.
Rothermere 09 Dec 2004
In reply to Jon Sparks:

Yes. He was down there last time I was.

He seems unassuming enough. I expected him to be a prick, bearing in mind the whoring out of his family to MTV. But he was just like any other newbie. Perfectly respectful (and looking a bit embarrassed as if others really cared, or even knew, that he'd just come out of rehab).

He's lost a lot of weight and was trying reasonably hard but seemed a bit self conscious, which is a shame, because we all feel like that on occasion. I thought it was just a one off, but clearly not.

Let's face it, if he's post rehab, he couldn't hope for a better thing to focus his energies on. It sure as shit saved me when I was on the downwards spiral, so as far as I'm concerned, good on him. Portland at sundown in winter, or Dartmoor or Winspit in the belting heat of summer makes it impossible to ignore that some things in life are really that good, and will always be so.

Rothermere 09 Dec 2004
In reply to BrianT:

Very funny. I like.

 BrianT 09 Dec 2004
In reply to Rothermere: Thank god someone understands!
 Allan Thomson 09 Dec 2004
Why can I soon see the rockfaces being besieged by little skater pant, white makeup, jewelry wearning 'alternates' cos they now think climbing is a cool 'alternate' thing to do?

On the other hand, good luck to him, in real life he is obviously not the arse he is made to seem on the Osbournes.
 BrianT 09 Dec 2004
In reply to Allan Thomson:
> >
> On the other hand, good luck to him, in real life he is obviously not the arse he is made to seem on the Osbournes.

Why? Because he climbs? Do you think someone who climbs must be ok then?
 Dominion 10 Dec 2004
In reply to BrianT:
> fat tosser with a crap haircut.

But what about Jack Osbourne?
 BrianT 10 Dec 2004
In reply to Dominion: Budum tisshhh!
Rothermere 10 Dec 2004
In reply to Allan Thomson:


I've been awfully abusive in the past to those who would have done you down. Lots of times. We chatted over email about it and chatted online about it.

All I can say is, don't be presumptious about those you don't know.

Assume the best of people first and foremost. And even when they don't live up to your expectations, look after them. Fight their corner until it becomes untenable.

That's what being a man is all about. Giving the best shot to those you don't yet know.

Do it enough, and you'll come to know the time when it's okay to retract your support; but don't start off from the other extreme. Don't condemn before you know. It doen't matter what people wear. It doesnt' matter how well they can climb. It just matters if they were worth your support.

If you didn't give them the support in the first place, then it's kind of you who's in negative equaty, morally speaking.

Strong men reject what is unfair, not what makes them feel uncomfortable. For all those who feel that we're somehow becoming emasculated or whatnot; there are plenty of strong men around who live their lives just so.

 BrianT 10 Dec 2004
In reply to Rothermere: James, that's way too profound for this time of night. Are you cutting and pasting this stuff?
Pacific 10 Dec 2004
In reply to Jon Sparks:

I dont give a flying f*ck if he climbs or not, I also dont give a flying f*ck if he gives all his worldly goods to the poor people up the hill. I dont give a f*ck if he lets me hump his sister. The man is still an irritating fat f*cking f*ck of a man. Ask his dad.
 Ridge 10 Dec 2004
In reply to Pacific:
> I dont give a f*ck if he lets me hump his sister.

Surely he's not evil enought to inflict that on you?
5.10 Ken 10 Dec 2004
In reply to Jon Sparks:

Is that right?

May have to extend an invitation to join the Bristol clique then. We'll need funds if our plans for world domination are to come to fruitition...
 anonymous1 10 Dec 2004
In reply to Jon Sparks:

who the hell is Jack Osbourne ??
 Jus 10 Dec 2004
In reply to anonymous1:

Ozzy's son.
 Stu Tyrrell 10 Dec 2004
In reply to Jon Sparks: Ozzy will try it next!

 Jus 10 Dec 2004
In reply to Stu Tyrrell:

He should be pretty good, if he's not got that massive ape index a la Bo Selecta?
 anonymous1 10 Dec 2004
In reply to Jus:

now you are going to be so right in your next assumption ''what,no,do you watch tv/read papers, are you on the same planet as the rest of us etc''.

Sorry,but who the f*ck is ozzey.??
 Jus 10 Dec 2004
In reply to anonymous1:

The singer of Black Sabbath?

In reply to Jus:

Who the f*ck is Black Sabbath?

In reply to anonymous1:

Erm... does the song 'Iron Man' ring a bell?

 anonymous1 10 Dec 2004
In reply to Jus:

Ah, all is clear now !!! deeeeer
 James Rowe 10 Dec 2004
In reply to Jon Sparks:

Maybe this isn't such a mad idea as it seems...
Imagine a thin Jack Osbourne and you have a pretty good approximation to Adam Hocking!!!! Its a hair thing.

(Apologies to Adam Hocking if you're reading this)

Fex Wazner 10 Dec 2004
In reply to BrianT:
> (In reply to Jon Sparks) fat tosser with a crap haircut.

Crumbs, I'm only a few pies away from being Jack Osbourne.

The plague of curly hair huh.

Alsion Bnod 10 Dec 2004
In reply to Rothermere:

Rothers, you're gorgeous. xxx
Rothermere 10 Dec 2004
In reply to Alsion Bnod:

Not this morning I'm not. I have redeye and funny hair.

AnthonyB 10 Dec 2004
Why are somepeople attack Jack Osbourne, clearly the boy has/had problems you just have to look at his family life for this, at least he's trying something new and giving it ago. It cant be easy being in the spot light 24/7 when everyone knows what you've done and been through. All i can say is dont judge him by what you've seen on tv, you can only start to judge him when you've meet him and has spoken to him.

Ok rant over
Rothermere 10 Dec 2004
In reply to BrianT:


I pre-prepare my pearls of unctuosity and save them on a usb memory stick so I can have them to hand at moments such as last night.

 BrianT 10 Dec 2004
In reply to Allan Thomson:
> Why can I soon see the rockfaces being besieged by little skater pant, white makeup, jewelry wearning 'alternates' cos they now think climbing is a cool 'alternate' thing to do?
What, you mean boulderers ?
dinkypen 10 Dec 2004
In reply to Rothermere:
> (In reply to BrianT)
> :+)
> I pre-prepare my pearls of unctuosity ....

Cor! What a wonderful word! I will store it in my memory banks & bring it out at every conceivable opportunity!

 Allan Thomson 11 Dec 2004
In reply to BrianT:
> (In reply to Allan Thomson)
> [...]
> Why? Because he climbs? Do you think someone who climbs must be ok then?

No Brian, use your nouse, one poster who actually met him said he is ok. Start thinking a bit.
 Allan Thomson 11 Dec 2004
In reply to Rothermere:That's fair enough Rothers, I was just saying that on the Osbournes, he is portrayed as being an arse, whereas the poster above said he was ok when he met him. I just felt that maybe the media has been a bit unfair to him.
 Allan Thomson 11 Dec 2004
In reply to BrianT:
> (In reply to Allan Thomson)
> [...]
> What, you mean boulderers ?


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