Is Engerlund the new Germany?

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Whilst on holiday in Turkey, the English guests would lay their beach towels on the sun loungers every morning before breakfast. Living in England, I was always led to believe this was a German trait. It would seem this is no longer the case. I could'nt think of a worse holiday dossing on a sun lounger, but I found myself moving a couple of towels and having a relaxing couple of hours after breakfast, just to prove a point. I feel as I am living in England I could at least help in teaching them some manners. There was not one German guest at the hotel.
 Postmanpat 13 Aug 2006
In reply to TWINKLETOES:

As the Audi advertisement said , "if you can't beat'em , join 'em "
Keefybaby 13 Aug 2006
In reply to TWINKLETOES:

I had the same thing when i went to portugal earlier in the summer, i went with a few friends from uni, (considering my recent holidays have been cimbing ones) i found lying on a towel for hours on end pretty boring and lazy. So not having any rock shoes with me, went out to the beach to climb on some rocks in the sea, but then the lifeguard wasnt too impressed with me jumping off them. Ohwel have to get kicks somehow.


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