Anybody know anything about Hartland Quay?

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Ben Meeks 14 Jun 2009
I'm off down to Devon next week and trying to find a bouldering guide for Hartland Quay. Does anybody know if one exists?

If anybody could give me directions towards ache ball that would be very nice of them.

 Rob Kennard 14 Jun 2009
In reply to Ben Meeks: I have a paper copy of a topo I downloaded, but I cannot seem to find the link to it on the interweb. Can send you a copy if you want.Most of the problems were to be found by wandering north from the quay as far as I can remember.
 Bruce Hooker 14 Jun 2009
In reply to Ben Meeks:

> Anybody know anything about Hartland Quay?

Yes, there's a good pub there, and a pretty decent campsite in the town nearby.
Ben Meeks 14 Jun 2009
In reply to Rob Kennard: Cheers for the offer but I doubt it will get to me in time.
So, you reckon if I head north from the quay i'll stumble across some problems.
Do you reckon there is a days worth of stuff to do.

 Rob Kennard 14 Jun 2009
In reply to Ben Meeks: There may be more there now, but I remember being a little disappointed... An obvious area to find is the 'trench', with about half a dozen vertical problems in a narrow gulley. There are a few short problems on the way to the trench, including ache ball. Ache Ball climbs the left hand side of a prominent curving cave, with a sit start. I thought it was a bit eliminate- a huge jug rail is never out of reach!
Ben Meeks 14 Jun 2009
In reply to Rob Kennard: Nice one, thanks for that. I'll probably throw in a trip to Northcott Mouth as well then.
 UKB Shark 14 Jun 2009
In reply to Ben Meeks:

In your shoes I would get in touch with Granticus on UKB or pop into the Barn climbing wall when you are down there and get the knowledge off Simon Young. I have an old OTE article for the area - email me if you would like a scanned copy.
 Andy Cloquet 14 Jun 2009
In reply to Ben Meeks: I was based in Devon as a very wet climbing instructor back in the early 80's when a local top climber, Pete O'Sullivan was exploring this area. My only recollection was that the climbing was esoteric and 'bloody 'ard'. I think it still retains its mantle of 'nowt known' as I haven't seen anything in print.
aye Andy
Ben Meeks 15 Jun 2009
In reply to Simon Lee:

Cheers for the help, I've got the address for the barn so will prob head there first and try and pick up a topo.

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