Blue Scar Parking

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 Dave Musgrove 07 Jul 2010
A new farmer is now renting the farm buidings below the crag and using it more intensively than in previous years for cattle, pigs and sheep. As such he requests no parking outside the farm buildings or close to any of the gateways. Please find laybys close to the walls on the Arncliff side of the buildings. There is more room a few hundred yards down the lane but wherever you park please only approach the crag by the designated route through the gates on the left of the farm.

 Andy Crome 08 Jul 2010
In reply to Dave Musgrove:
How are the birds doing there this year Dave?
 ali-wood 28 Jul 2010
In reply to Dave Musgrove:

Also there is now apparently an issue with people scrambling over the wall at a large boulder rather than walking a bit further up the hill to use the stile. (Sun 25th july)
 richardh 28 Jul 2010
In reply to ali-wood:

It really is amazing, the guidebook instructions are so clear, but seem so hard to follow!

When we were up there a few weeks ago, Gil Peel had to get someone to shift their vehicle from right in front of the farm.

We saw another party of five randomly miss the wide-open gate in the field and then climb over another wall - not the boulder one.

There was mention of "The BMC" putting some signage up? I don't know if this was hearsay. Could step by step directions be posted on the first gate maybe Dave?

OP Dave Musgrove 29 Jul 2010
In reply to richardh: I am trying to engineer a site meeting up at Blue with the new BMC access man Rob Dyer. I've talked to the farmer who is renting the barn but he isn't the chap who owns the land (in fact the ownership of the land on the historically agreed access route is complicated so before we put up new signs I want to be sure that all parties agree.

The main points to remember, currently, are these.

Don't block the gates or entrances to the barn. The new man seems to be using larger vehicles and trailers more regularly so needs more room to manouvre. He has threatend to drag any obstructing vehicles away with his tractor.

Follow the access routes through the gates on the left of the building then diagonally across field to the gate in the fence. Walk up the left side of the fence and through the gap in the wall above where the stream comes through.

From here, approach directly up the hillside above to the left wing and cross the stile below the crag to access Central Wall. However, if going to the right-hand wall and arched buttress we were given permission two years ago to climb the wall by the big boulder lower down the slope.The landowner of the fields below the crag said that this was OK but he didn't want a stile putting there because he thought it would attract more walkers who would then try to find a way out through other fields below the crag.

Do not be tempted to exit from the right-hand buttresses through the fields below that side of the crag.


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