Cost of rescue around Europe

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 JJL 07 Jul 2011
Just back from a rather-too-eventful trip to the Dollies.

10 of us ... and 3 had not bought air-evacuation/medical insurance.
1 of the 3 needed a chopper.

No bill yet, but speculation rife. So it would be interesting to know what people have been billed in different countries for being helicoptered off.

UK - £0
F - £?
ES - £?
CH - £?
I - £?
D - £?

Anyone fill in some blanks? Knowledge please rather than speculation.


Juki 07 Jul 2011
In reply to JJL:
Late '90s PGHM in Chamonix gave me a scenic ride down to the valley with their Alouette. Price: 0 francs.

I think it's still free of charge in Chamonix if it's a climbing accident. With skis you'll have to pay. But the rescue insurance is so cheap that there's no point to go anywhere without it. Especially if you go anywhere close to the Swiss border
 pec 07 Jul 2011
In reply to JJL: Air Zermatt billed me about £1,500 for a straightforward airlift (no searching etc). That was 12 years ago so add on a bit for inflation and the crap exchange rate.
The overnight stay in Visp hospital was £2,000.

You might be lucky however, some friends were airlifted in the Dolomites once and were never charged. They had insurance but nobody asked to see anything or even took their names and addresses.
 Warner 08 Jul 2011
In reply to JJL:
In central Alps (Italy) the rescue is free but be careful: you are at the border with Switzerland, if you'll see a REGA helicopter you'd better have an insurance or a REGA card (not too expensive and worthwhile if you plan to climb a lot in the Swiss Alps)
 walts4 08 Jul 2011
In reply to JJL:

Chamonix PGHM still no charge for climbing rescue, not sure under what circumstances they would charge you.
 Ben Briggs 08 Jul 2011
In reply to walts4: Its free anywhere in the mountains if you are climbing or ski mountaineering. You would get charged for a rescue if you are in a ski area an needed a rescue, either heli or just being carted down. Not sure if its the same for all of france or just the chamonix area.
 Jen80 08 Jul 2011
In reply to JJL: I know someone who had quite a serious accident in Switzerland near Zermatt - there was some mix up with BMC and they received a pretty alarming bill for 10,000 euros per chopper - and there were 2 choppers used....

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