free streaming on xbox.....

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 AdCo82 31 Jan 2013
Does anyone know of anyway to stream movies for free on xbox? Both Netflix and Lovefilm have a terribly poor choice.

Any idea's?
 Darkskys 31 Jan 2013
In reply to An Triubhas: if you get Netflix you can open it up for US content
OP AdCo82 31 Jan 2013
In reply to Darkskys:

 Darkskys 31 Jan 2013
In reply to An Triubhas: I followed some steps off here

Watched super8 the other day, and I believe you can change regions too for even more variety (which I've not done yet)
 caravanshaker 01 Feb 2013
In reply to An Triubhas:

XBMC is the way to go! Oddly, for software called XBox Media Centre, the XBox is no longer natively supported by the main project... BUT there is a project at to keep XBox support alive.

Once you've installed XBMC, you'll need to install some extra add-ons & repositories (Icefilm and NAVI-X recommended) for a better, wider choice but it's all quite simple and there are loads of how-to's on the wiki and YouTube.

I'm waiting for a Raspberry Pi to be delivered to use as a cheap, portable Media Centre... If you have too many problems with the XBox you could try the same, probably the cheapest & smallest way to do it. You'd need the Pi, an SD card (4GB min), a 2A micro USB power adapter, HDMI cable (composite video and 3.5mm stereo audio cable are the alternative), remote (I'm going for a Rii Mini i6, but you could use a USB PC keyboard and mouse either wired/wireless) and a case. I'm going to install OpenELEC (free, already has XBMC installed) and hook it up to the internet with Ethernet rather than buy a wireless USB adapter. It'll even do 1080p

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