The BBC & coverage of the Independence debate

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 blurty 13 Feb 2014

Is it my imagination, or is Aunty Beeb biased against Independence in her coverage (In England anyway)?

I've been watching the BBC news channel this lunchtime, and my opinion is that the coverage is not balanced, but rather pro-union. (As well as being superficial I think).

Nicola Sturgeon was refusing to answer the question; What is plan B now the 3 main UK parties have said no to a formal currency union? Not withstanding the rights and wrongs of the SNP position, she was being quite harassed/ bullied by the interviewer I thought, and the filler piece in the middle of the interview was pretty biased as well.

I know UK/ NI/ Eng, Wales won't be voting so maybe this doesn't matter, but I wonder what the BBC coverage is like in Scotland?

Does the BBC feel threatened and is biased/ 'pro-union' to preserve its empire?
Post edited at 12:40
Jim C 13 Feb 2014
In reply to blurty:
> Is it my imagination, or is Aunty Beeb biased against Independence in her coverage (In England anyway)?
> I know UK/ NI/ Eng, Wales won't be voting so maybe this doesn't matter, but I wonder what the BBC coverage is like in Scotland?
Similar,I would say, and the newspapers are not exactly even handed either
> Does the BBC feel threatened and is biased/ 'pro-union' to preserve its empire?
That is a harder one to say, my Tory friend says they are totally biased against the government, so the two do not necessarly add up

JMGLondon 13 Feb 2014
In reply to blurty:

It's a tricky one to get right for the BBC. Obviously good journalists will interrogate the facts, so depending on when / how much you dip into their coverage you're going to see debate for or against. I don't think Nicola Sturgeon should be getting an easy ride, but neither should Darling et al.
Removed User 13 Feb 2014
In reply to JMGLondon:

> It's a tricky one to get right for the BBC. Obviously good journalists will interrogate the facts, so depending on when / how much you dip into their coverage you're going to see debate for or against. I don't think Nicola Sturgeon should be getting an easy ride, but neither should Darling et al.

Agreed. The SNP typically resort to bullshitting whenever they can get away with it. They did so for years in Scotland, one powder puff interview after another. In my view Scotland's top politicians are still given an easy ride compared to their UK counterparts.
 alastairmac 13 Feb 2014
In reply to blurty:

I think there is an overwhelming bias in both the BBC and the mainstream London based media.
ccmm 13 Feb 2014
In reply to alastairmac:

Here is some evidence:

And some analysis:

Eric, It's been good for the Yes campaign to be scrutinised in great detail. Even if that is done in a hostile way. It forces deeper thinking on the issues. The Better Together campaign has been soft soaped by the whole of the media and the results are plain to see - a flabby, disjointed top-down reaction to a genuine grassroots movement from the usual vested interests.
 mav 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Craig Mc:

I wouldn't take newsnetscotland as being proof of anything - it is essentially the SNP media mouthpiece, albeit camoflaged. Linking to it is similar to a Russian saying "see, I told you Andropov was alive, I read it in Pravda."
 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to blurty:

Up in Scotland its certainly pro independence..
 ByEek 13 Feb 2014
In reply to blurty:

> Is it my imagination, or is Aunty Beeb biased against Independence in her coverage (In England anyway)?

It is not your imagination. They are biased towards a Daily Mail way of thinking when it comes to tackling the flooding too.
ccmm 13 Feb 2014
In reply to mav:

I tried to find a reference to it which wouldn't be open to the charge of propoganda but there isn't any. It wasn't picked up by the BBC funnily enough.

If you can stomach clicking here you'll find the whole report and can judge for yourself:

Iain, you either have evidence for your assertion that the media is pro-independence or you're as guilty as the BBC for stating opinion as fact.
 graeme jackson 13 Feb 2014
In reply to blurty:
> Nicola Sturgeon was refusing to answer the question; What is plan B now the 3 main UK parties have said no to a formal currency union? Not withstanding the rights and wrongs of the SNP position, she was being quite harassed/ bullied by the interviewer I thought,

Well maybe she should answer the bloody question. So far the SNP have come out with loads of promises that are being shown to be mostly bollox. I for one would love to know what they plan to do about the currency once they've f*cked up the country.

> I know UK/ NI/ Eng, Wales won't be voting so maybe this doesn't matter, but I wonder what the BBC coverage is like in Scotland?

BBC Scotland pretend to be unbiased but I always get the impression they favour pro-independence interviewees.

ccmm 13 Feb 2014
In reply to graeme jackson:

I've put evidence from the University of the West of Scotland upthread. Read it.

In what way will the SNP fek up the country? they've balanced the books for the last 7 years.

News just in: they might not even be in power after 2015.
 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Craig Mc:

Its called watching TV in scotland...
 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Craig Mc:

> I've put evidence from the University of the West of Scotland

Jesus christ... you for real?

I could find some report from the Bolton institute of political science or some other tin pot university... It's one of the worst Universities in Scotland..
ccmm 13 Feb 2014
In reply to IainRUK:
> (In reply to Craig Mc)
> Its called watching TV in scotland...

Read the report Iain. It mainly focuses on the BBC, in particular Reporting Scotland, and it proves there was a bias toward the unionist viewpoint by a factor of 3 to 2 over the year from Sept 12 to Sept 13.

STV didn't come out of it much better but they're not the state broadcaster and have less reason to pretend to be impartial.
 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Craig Mc:

Also as said on another thread.. reporting on Scottish medal hopes at the winter olympics...

If english media did that you lot would be in uproar, its team GB.. you don't divide it up..
ccmm 13 Feb 2014
In reply to IainRUK:

I am for real. Is it tin pot because it's not from St Andrews, Glasgow or Edinburgh? Genuinely interested.
ccmm 13 Feb 2014
In reply to IainRUK:

What do the winter olympics have to do with the Scottish independence debate?
 Sir Chasm 13 Feb 2014
In reply to graeme jackson: She doesn't want to answer the question because she knows that the answer is the euro
Douglas Griffin 13 Feb 2014
In reply to IainRUK:

> Up in Scotland its certainly pro independence..

You have seriously got to be joking.
Douglas Griffin 13 Feb 2014
In reply to IainRUK:

> Also as said on another thread.. reporting on Scottish medal hopes at the winter olympics...
> If english media did that you lot would be in uproar, its team GB.. you don't divide it up..

This is a bizarre way of looking at things.

I don't watch, for example, 'Look North' but I'd imagine it concentrates on athletes from within the region that it serves?
The way it's set up in Scotland, we get the 'national' (i.e. UK-wide) and world news at 06.00, and then the 'regional' (i.e. Scottish) news after that at 18:30. So the 6 o'clock news will cover the GB Team, and the Scottish news covers the Scotland-based athletes. What is wrong with that, exactly?
 mav 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Craig Mc:

"What do the winter olympics have to do with the Scottish independence debate?"
Er a bit. If the SNP have their way, it will be team GB's swansong.

"I am for real. Is it tin pot because it's not from St Andrews, Glasgow or Edinburgh? Genuinely interested."
Note that I didn't say tinpot. But the research itself (incidentally, I had seen this report before, may have been scotsman or herald) is intrinsically daft, the interpretations of positive or negative qeustionable. And you've linked to something called "world of stuart". And it is one of the worst univerities in Scotland, with no reputation for research.

"In what way will the SNP fek up the country? they've balanced the books for the last 7 years."
Always makes me smile this one. Labour and the Libdems did it for 8 years. Because of the way it is funded, its technically impossible to do otherwise.

For what its worth, I think judging BBC Scotland one way or the other is difficult, and even after that you have to work out if they mean it or not. It's amateurish, most of the journalists bearly know their specialist subjects. Politicians generally get an easy ride, and the tv debates are generally so badly chaired that they can get away with murder. for instance saying "We've balanced the books for 7 years, of course we can run a country."
 graeme jackson 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Craig Mc:
> (In reply to graeme jackson)
> I've put evidence from the University of the West of Scotland upthread. Read it.

No need mate. I've been watching the news instead and formulated my own opinion of their bias.
 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Craig Mc:

No... but there's the big ones then there's OK ones.. then there are those like Paisley.. it's one of the worst around.

120th out of 124, 106th out of 119, 117th out of 121 universities, depending on the ranking...

TBF though its woefully underfunded because of the ludicrous idea of no fees, how can it expect to compete with English Universities when they lack the hundreds of millions a year entering the education system? It's pretty well known Scottish Universities are being hit hard. Down south we're seeing money being spent again, plans to expand, redevelop because thus money was desperately needed.

You can say well things will improve.. but how? Scottish Universities are falling in international rankings. traditionally they have been the best around. There is a HUGE lack of funding. yet the SNP have pinned this no fees idea to their identity and its just unsustainable. Science has a well documented positive effect on the economy and Scotlands science is in trouble.. does that seriously not worry you?

The HE system needs a huge overhaul now. Either reduce numbers or bring in fees. Reduce numbers and students will head south resulting in a brain drain..

Winter olympics, of course it is. Salmond has tried it with Hoy, luckily Hoy put him right. Its playing Scotland's strengths, yet its GB funding so there should be no mention of individual states. But Salmond has history of pulling sports into this.

Sturgeon.. seriously that woman never makes a factual statement, just emotive hopeful statements. Her comments on the currency today were just devoid of anything useful. There's just a complete lack of factual solid plans on the currency, alarm bells must be ringing?

Basically the education system is in trouble and the currency is just one huge question, it's a massive elephant in the room. You say the pro-unionists point at instability, then the SNP should tackle it and release definitive plans on how to restructure the HE and what their currency answer will be.
 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Douglas Griffin:

Because down south it would say athletes from yorkshire for example Ennis, but they'd never label her an English athlete when competing for GB..

 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Craig Mc:

Salmond has been very vocal about this issue, its clearly part of his campaign from the 2012 onwards.. Hoy's received a lot of flack for his stance.
Douglas Griffin 13 Feb 2014
In reply to IainRUK:

So it's OK to call someone a "Yorkshire" athlete, but not a "Scottish" one, because that would be undermining Team GB??

If the programme is broadcasting to the whole of Scotland, then it's going to use the term "Scottish". If we had separate TV programmes for the NE, Glasgow, Edinburgh, etc. (which I'm not proposing!) then they would doubtless refer to the region rather than their nationality - this certainly happens in the local BBC radio bulletins here in the north-east.

Honestly, Iain, this is bonkers...
 graeme jackson 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Douglas Griffin:
> (In reply to IainRUK)
> So it's OK to call someone a "Yorkshire" athlete, but not a "Scottish" one, because that would be undermining Team GB??

That's not what he said.
 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Douglas Griffin:

Eh? There's no mention of any athlete.. she's a GB athlete..

But the news will report on any medals.. as in f*ck all generally.. but they will not divide the team like up here.

I had it Wales when competing for GB.. trying to lay claim.. I even had local councillors add me on FB as though we were big pals..
Douglas Griffin 13 Feb 2014
In reply to IainRUK:

No, sorry - I still don't see what you're on about.

The Scottish news will report on Scottish athletes. If the BBC allowed a 'Scottish Six' (i.e. reporting on national and international news from Glasgow), then it wouldn't have to. Scottish news, even Scottish 'national' news, is seen as local news in the BBC - so it reports as such. Perfectly normal.

I think you're getting more than a bit paranoid here, the more so if you're reading some pro-independence bias into this. The Aberdeen P&J reports on north-east Scotland issues, sometimes to the exclusion of virtually everything else - I wouldn't take this to mean that it's in favour of independence for the north-east.
 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Douglas Griffin:

I don't.. for me any labelling as athletes as in individual nation.. is just against GB, the olympics is about unions, joining together. Not scotlands medal tally.

Scolympians... come on? There is a clear drive from the SNP to divide team GB along those lines. If it was just from the press then I'd see your point. When your political leader tries to create a term specifically for Scottish olympians and your best athlete is termed a bigot then I think we can safely say there is a political message in it.
ccmm 13 Feb 2014
In reply to mav:

You're replying to statements I made to Iain.

John Robertson, the report's author, has expertese in studying media bias. Why don't you email him your opinions?
Douglas Griffin 13 Feb 2014
In reply to IainRUK:

What the SNP do is neither here nor there - we were talking (or at least I was talking) about the way the BBC refers to them.

There's no doubt that Salmond and Cameron have both tried to politicise the success of Scottish/British athletes.
 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Douglas Griffin:

I can't see how you can separate that. It's team GB. I think we'll have to disagree on this one. TBH the sporting impact of independence is of little importance, I do think, like Hoy, it will harm standards. If nothing elseo cmpetition drives standards, the bigger a country the better chance of intra-national competition which drive standards.. the Fins.. the Kenyans.. the Jamaican's..

But the big one is economy and HE.. until I see sensible concrete plans I'm very skeptical about how independence can work.. the 'better togethers' main argument is instability and the nationalists can combat that by concrete plans yet were getting into serious posturing time and there's just nothing coming out?

 Scomuir 13 Feb 2014
In reply to IainRUK:

I agree with Doug - you're putting a slant on it that really isn't there. The reporting of athletes with relevance to Scotland in the Scottish news seems fair enough. Given that the format is "national" first, followed by "regional", I'm struggling to see how you have a problem with that. They also don't discuss the floods down south in the Scottish news, in the same way that if we get hammered with snow or rain up here, it won't register any regional news programs down South. Pretty straightforward.
drmarten 13 Feb 2014
In reply to IainRUK:

This whole debate is based on blindness from both sides. Its laughable as someone with no real interest. I am pro GB but non resident and don't really care..

For someone with no real interest, doesn't live here and doesn't really care you've got a funny way of showing it, and numerous posts on the subject to suggest that you are very anti Scottish independence.
 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Scomuir:

I didnt put the slant on it.. scolympian..

anyway fair enough, we're all going to see this different ways. As said before I'm pro-Union but that's due to having a very British background and benefited from the union.

We'll just have to see.
 wynaptomos 13 Feb 2014
In reply to IainRUK:

OK, so why have Yorkshire been harping on about their local athletes being the equivalent of 7th(or whatever) in the London Olympics medal table then?

 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to drmarten:

I know.. as said I am pro-Union but being in Scotland now its on the news more so you do form opinions. I can only apologise for posting links.

A very strong response to my questions regarding HE and currency.. basically blank them and try an emotive argument... fantastic..
 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to wynaptomos:

Did they? quality.. that's typical Yorkshire isn't it? They joke they want independence.. it's what you call a joke..
 Chris the Tall 13 Feb 2014
In reply to IainRUK:

> Salmond has been very vocal about this issue, its clearly part of his campaign from the 2012 onwards.. Hoy's received a lot of flack for his stance.

Has he ? Hoy's stance being to point out to Salmond that the lack of investment in facilities in Scotland meant he to train in Manchester. As such he may be a proud Scot but owes his success to the whole of Britain. Cant see much to complain about with that.

As to the OP - if a politician is refusing to answer a question then yes the BBC interviewer should press them on it. I refer you to Paxman vs Howard as the definitive masterclass.
 alastairmac 13 Feb 2014
In reply to graeme jackson: I fail to see how getting the government and policies you vote for will ruin the country........ unless you feel that we are unable to run our own affairs and take responsibility for developing our own economy. Frankly I'm surprised that anybody still feels that there is any set of circumstances or party that couldn't improve on the inept and ideologically disastrous administration currently in Westminster. And regardless of how we vote in national elections the UK is drifting further and further away from Scotland and becoming more and more economically fragile.

 wynaptomos 13 Feb 2014
In reply to IainRUK:

Oh, come on. You can't conveniently say that you've never heard about it. It's been mentioned several times in the media and not in a jokey way.
 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Chris the Tall:

Yes, you are right though but his view is scottish sport will be negatively affected. I think in two ways though. look at the competition within British cycling, its driven Hoy to another level as they all have been.

But he's had plenty of abuse.
 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to wynaptomos:
Really? As someone who lives in Germany, was in the US for the olympics.. sorry no I'm not up on Yorkshire sport... apologies again.

I do find it funny how I posted a long comment on independence and which asked two serious questions and yet the press comment gets all the responses..

It suggests that basically noone has a ruddy clue what to do about currency or HE and can't deny it's a huge elephant in the room...
Post edited at 15:33
 Chris the Tall 13 Feb 2014
In reply to IainRUK:

To be fair that headline ought to read "Anonymous Internet Trolls abuse Chris Hoy". With tactics like that their politics is irrelevant.
In reply to IainRUK:

> Jesus christ... you for real?

> It's one of the worst 'Universities' in Scotland..

Fixed that for you

But even a stopped clock is right twice a day. The media is definitely anti-independence.

 GrahamD 13 Feb 2014
In reply to tom_in_edinburgh:

> But even a stopped clock is right twice a day. The media is definitely anti-independence.

In that they probably reflect the UK as a whole, don't you think ?
In reply to GrahamD:

> In that they probably reflect the UK as a whole, don't you think ?

Yes, the national media are reflecting opinion in the UK, 9/10 of which is outside Scotland. They are telling their audience what they want to hear.

 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to tom_in_edinburgh:

No its one of the worst in the UK.. and Scotland.. it's just shite..

But its interesting Doc Martin ignored my whole point about education and went off about the small point, detracting the argument.

The state of Scottish Universities is a huge issue. At the moment Scotland has some of the best Uni's in Britain, we all know that, and because of their research expertise they get more than their share of UKRC and other sources research funding.. so once (if) the UK splits, the RC's will split and research funding will fall. Align that with the real term cuts in funding and its just worrying.

Already Glasgow's international ranking has plummetted over the past few years.

2009 its slipping.. 79..

2013.. its down to 117..

Now the SNP have just got the wrong policy on HE.. I'm yet to see a decent counter argument.

So far we've had the 'you shouldn't care' response.. well great.. that helps.. in other words 'I've got sod all clue'. Scotland has control over its education policy and so far it is just not going well. It really doesn't bode well for the other sectors, so the 'we'll do things' better argument just lacks substance.

Yes no tuition fees are a great ideal, but idealism and without a huge restructuring of the HE its going to continue to struggle..
 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Doc Martin:
You've deleted your last comment..

Thats fine Doc.. make your decision, just don't expect people not to comment on UK C see that UK...

But you obviously have little idea about education.

The other idea is Scotland becomes a finance center.. at the moment I think you'll keep the pound, yet have no control over interest rates or any monetary policy... so you won't become a financial center.

The currency is a huge issue for future planning.

I dont think it makes sense to fully split to be honest. Even in Wales too much was devolved. Wales had its own policy on a number of issues that made no sense. Biosecurity.. I worked on it for a while with WAG.. why have different rules to the harbour across the water just a few miles away..

Drugs and disease transfer, a friend worked on it and WAG wanted to spend money on surveillance for disease transfer with drugs trade routes between N and S Wales.. yet in both areas the drugs will almost all come from other countries, either Holyhead or the A55 up North, or the M4 down South..

The more I think about it the more pro Union I become. Obviously we all have an ideal which is not based on logical arguments, wih my british background I'm likely to be pro union, Scots who never left Scotland are more likely to be nationalists. But that aside I just can't see what the benefits will be compared to the negatives. Instability is a valid negative. I'm very pro-europe though and think thats the future, all we will do is waste millions when I think being states within a federal europe will be the end result.

Sturgeon made some idiotic comments today, about the UK bullying Scotland, why would we hand over some control of our currency to an area we have no control over? I'm not saying the pound is superb, I've said I'm very pro Europe, but to hand over some control is just illogical.

But for me I'd rather Scotland took the euro, I think that will facilitate ENgland also going down that path which I think we will in time.
Post edited at 19:26
 Cuthbert 13 Feb 2014
In reply to IainRUK:

Do you not work for a university? If so, which one?

Where does the Open University come in the rankings?
 Banned User 77 13 Feb 2014
In reply to Saor Alba:

My PhD was Glasgow.. so know the place well have connections, colleagues at Dundee, Stirling, and Edinburgh. I'm at a Max Planck in Germany for another month.
 Cuthbert 13 Feb 2014
In reply to IainRUK:

Where does the OU come in the rankings? I can't find it on the one I looked at.

With the greatest respect, doing a PhD in Glasgow is not any particular qualification for knowing the place. In fact, I would reckon there are maybe 4 million plus plus people who know the place better.
 Banned User 77 14 Feb 2014
In reply to Saor Alba:

I meant as in the Uni.. still have colleagues there, still go back a bit. It's, like a lot of scottish Uni's,has suffered big redundancies, losing a lot of experienced staff replacing with younger cheaper.

There is only so much you can squeeze before you lose quality. Although the Uni says it's quality is not being affected, its ranking has fallen suggesting otherwise.

Re the OU trying to find out but my wifi here is terrible and I can't seem to open the lists.. if it does I'll post. I think it comes in around the middle.

Just saw 43rd out of 130.. not sure which rankings that was, the different rankings have different total numbers depending on what they count as a Uni.. But I was guessing mid level, but slightly its higher than I expected.

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