TRX Training?

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 Jams 19 Nov 2014
Alright guys.

This evening I was crimping on a fairly recently healed finger injury and all of a sudden I had huge shooting pains and a numb hand... Therefore I'm gonna be out for abit again hahaha.

Recently I've seen a lot of climbers raving about the new TRX systems and how they are benefitting them within climbing. Therefore I'm curious to use this injury time to put the system to the test (If it's worth it).

Does anybody have any experiance using the TRX systems and have they actually benefitted you and your climbing?
If sooooo is there any specific exercises or areas of the body to focus on? Or is the whole thing just going to hinder me in the future?

I've seen the websites with all the exercises on but I'm curious if there's any very specific ones for climbing.

Thanks guys.

 AJM 19 Nov 2014
In reply to Jams:

I've been using one a bit at the wall.

Is, Ys and Ts in both directions (pulling and pushing) are good. Works the back and all the shoulder muscles.
Pikes, crunches and so on are good for the abs.
There's a bunch of other ideas in Gimme Kraft if you can borrow a copy. Half the rings exercises can be done on a trx too.
OP Jams 19 Nov 2014
In reply to AJM:

Which cheers man! Have you seen an improvement?
 cha1n 19 Nov 2014
In reply to Jams:

There's a few TRXs at the gym I've joined but I don't rate them much for most stuff. Rings with their dual anchor points are much better as half the time the straps get in the way.

I've got much more of a workout in my abs from doing stuff hanging from a bar, leg raises, one legged front levers, etc.

I've also just injured a finger so I'm gonna get the core strong so I still feel like I'm doing something useful!
 AJM 19 Nov 2014
In reply to Jams:

I've never tried it whilst not doing other climbing too so I couldn't really say because I can't isolate the effect.

It certainly feels like a workout though.

Unlike cha1n I've never really found the straps in the way although maybe that's the choice of exercises. Also I don't think I could get the rings low enough to the floor to do some of them off the rings at the wall. I also found I preferred core exercises on the TRX to a bar for some reason, not sure why.

You can also make trxs for a pittance from rope offcuts whereas I don't know there's a super cheap source of wooden rings, if that matters...
 squirrel00 23 Nov 2014
In reply to Jams:

use the trx exercises in tabata format (20 secs on 10 off ) instead of counting each push up and youll find muscles that you did not have also they are great for balance as every exercise involves having your core held tight to keep the correct body position

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