The Cross is back on Carrauntoohil.

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 goatee 30 Nov 2014
The cross has been re-erected on Carrauntoohil. Hopefully the morons who vandalized it will stay away.
 Coel Hellier 30 Nov 2014
In reply to goatee:

> Hopefully the morons who vandalized it will stay away.

If I were Irish, which I'm not, I'd be very tempted to chop it down again.
Clauso 30 Nov 2014
In reply to goatee:

It's a miracle.
 Bruce Hooker 30 Nov 2014
In reply to goatee:

> The cross has been re-erected on Carrauntoohil. Hopefully the morons who vandalized it will stay away.

Pity the morons putting it up didn't When will they start orange marches up their or masses around the cross? Then these morons could start fighting about it.

 Pyreneenemec 30 Nov 2014
In reply to goatee:

> The cross has been re-erected on Carrauntoohil. Hopefully the morons who vandalized it will stay away.

Why should the followers of certain misguided beliefs have the right to disfigure such a beautiful place ?

I'm with Coel and Bruce, the morons are clearly those that reerected the bloody thing!


I've climbed Carrauntoohil on a number of ocassions. Each time I've been blessed with good views and the summit all to myself. The first time, in 1990 the cross was equipped with wind-powered illumination , which had been, of course vandalised
 squirrel00 30 Nov 2014
In reply to Bruce Hooker:

you will not find any orange men around kerry
In reply to squirrel00:

> you will not find any orange men around kerry

To be fair, Bruce's grasp of geopolitics and religion has always been sketchy. This was one of his better efforts.

 squirrel00 30 Nov 2014
In reply to maisie:
understood will not try and explain
 goldmember 30 Nov 2014
In reply to squirrel00:

> you will not find any orange men around kerry

Or a hurler!
llechwedd 30 Nov 2014
In reply to Clauso:

It's been cruci-fixed.
 squirrel00 30 Nov 2014
In reply to goldmember:

as I am told by my wife the only hurlers that count wear a "ath cliath" (Dublin) jersey, after speaking with a few country bhoys they tend to disagree
 Bruce Hooker 30 Nov 2014
In reply to squirrel00:

> you will not find any orange men around kerry

Not yet
OP goatee 30 Nov 2014
In reply to Bruce Hooker:

Ah yes the usual informed comment from a certain cohort on this site. This is my final comment on the subject.

 Bruce Hooker 30 Nov 2014
In reply to goatee:

Look what you have to look forward to:

They've already started in Europe, could this cross be the start of something bigger in Ireland?
 squirrel00 30 Nov 2014
In reply to Bruce Hooker:

me thinks the cross would lower itself at the first sign of a bowler hat banging his drum
In reply to Bruce:

Look, Bruce, a lifebelt. Cling to it with both hands and pretend that's what you meant all along. Everybody will be fooled.

Kind regards

 Bruce Hooker 30 Nov 2014
In reply to maisie:

You do take yourself seriously, don't you? Lighten up a bit, take the broomstick out your arse.
 Rob Exile Ward 30 Nov 2014
In reply to Bruce Hooker:

Surely any pseudo religious organisation inspired by someone called 'Coffindaffer' is a joke, a parody?
In reply to Bruce Hooker:

> You do take yourself seriously, don't you? Lighten up a bit, take the broomstick out your arse.

Why, do you want it back? Is that why you're all over the place?

Thanks, Bruce, I needed cheering up. Your particular brand of muddle-headed petulance is proof enough that you were made, not evolved - I'm a convert; where should I put up a cross?

Where, Bruce?

Good luck.

 Rob Exile Ward 30 Nov 2014
In reply to Bruce Hooker:

It's also worth noting that the website you have pointed us all to, the most recent article is ... er ... 2000. As evidence that religious maniacs are taking over the US at a rate of knots that doesn't quite cut it, does it? Perhaps you ought to be a little more discriminating in your sources as you constantly say the rest of us should be?
 Bruce Hooker 30 Nov 2014
In reply to maisie:
> Is that why you're all over the place?

I'm not even in the top 10, perhaps it's you who are following me? Here's a tip, just don't read anything I write, it works for me, it could work for you.
Post edited at 21:58
In reply to Bruce Hooker:

All over the place refers to the fact that none of your arguments stand up: maybe a broomstick suppository would give them some support. Insert carefully to avoid brain damage.

Fortunately, UKC isn't voice-activated, or you'd be stuffed.

Who's a shining star? You are. Yes, you are.

 Bruce Hooker 30 Nov 2014
In reply to Rob Exile Ward:

It says "Copyright © 2014 by Group, Inc" on one page but never mind, the problem is that you and maisie don't seem to realise humour when you see it, most of the posts on this thread are at least half joking and you react as if it was a serious discussion, is that broomstick up yours too?

In fact there are nutters putting these crosses up all over Europe, there are in France until they run into planning permission problems but they are just that, a nutty sect that no one takes all that seriously, especially if they are painted pink and have lights on them.

Some take it seriously though, or at least half so, this bloke's sawn off 48 crosses from Alpine peaks.... He's a guide and says he wants to start a debate. Maybe Irish atheists could club round and buy him a ticket to Ireland. (Use your browser to translate),

PS. Just to be quite clear I don't really mean this it is a j o k e... got it? To add to the humour this is all going on in a Swiss region called Gruyere but I can't be bothered to make anything out of that.
In reply to Bruce Hooker:

> the problem is that you and maisie don't seem to realise humour when you see it, most of the posts on this thread are at least half joking and you react as if it was a serious discussion, is that broomstick up yours too?

Except yours, Bruce - your posts are vacuous, post-rationalizing and devoid of humour. I think it's beyond you.

But you're right - my posts on here are *way* too serious in tone.

Er, hang on. They're not, are they? I see what you did there, you scamp: you misrepresented the situation in the vain hope that you wouldn't look such a half-wit. You nearly had me, too.

Not really. If you remember, this all started because you didn't actually know that the Orangemen are associated with Northern Ireland, not its southern neighbour - but didn't let that stop you from letting your guff spill out. Yet again.

How's that for serious, you rambling buffoon?


In reply to goatee: That's tragic. Don't you think the real morons are actually the ones who think there is a magic man in the sky who made the world in 6 days? Moronic, deluded, desperate, insecure...the list goes on.

Wiley Coyote2 30 Nov 2014
In reply to Frank the Husky:

> That's tragic. Don't you think the real morons are actually the ones who think there is a magic man in the sky who made the world in 6 days? Moronic, deluded, desperate, insecure...the list goes on.

That seems a quite ridiculous amount of vitriol for a bunch of people who seem to be fairly harmless. Why on earth does it worry you so much?
In reply to Wiley Coyote: It worries me that people still use a magical being in the sky to justify all sorts of rubbish. Admittedly this is a minor example of the rubbish! People who believe in non existent beings and made up stories are not necessarily harmless.

Wiley Coyote2 01 Dec 2014
In reply to Frank the Husky:

Yes as an atheist myself I do find religious faith a bit bewildering but down the years I've known a great many churchgoers and for the most part I have found them to be perfectly pleasant tolerant people. All in all I find militant secularists much more disturbing simply for their inability to just live and let live.
 Skipinder 01 Dec 2014
In reply to Wiley Coyote:

Those who preach tolerance are the most intolerant?
Wiley Coyote2 01 Dec 2014
In reply to Skipinder:

Ironically, yes. I find that many people who consider themselves tolerant are actually very good at tolerating anything they agree with but seem to struggle with things they do not agree with.
Lusk 01 Dec 2014
In reply to Coel Hellier:

If I shag a sweet little catholic girlie with a condom on me knob underneath this cross, will I be struck down with a thunderbolt?
 Skipinder 01 Dec 2014
In reply to Wiley Coyote:

Life is a study in irony
Wiley Coyote2 01 Dec 2014
In reply to Lusk:

> If I shag a sweet little catholic girlie with a condom on me knob underneath this cross, will I be struck down with a thunderbolt?

I wouldn't hold your breath.
 Bruce Hooker 01 Dec 2014
In reply to Skipinder:

> Those who preach tolerance are the most intolerant?

But who's preaching tolerance on this thread? Most are either for or against or lost in their own little personal hang-ups, I don't see much tolerance. Do you think everything can be tolerated? Maybe at present in the world it's tolerating religious extremism that is the most dangerous?

It wasn't just a little cross, was it? It's a whopping great big one that says "Christianity rules, OK!" It's still a problem in Ireland, North and South and an important obstacle to unification of the whole country. Do you think everything should be tolerated?
 Bruce Hooker 01 Dec 2014
In reply to Wiley Coyote:

> I wouldn't hold your breath.

While shagging few would be able to do this. Can you?
Wiley Coyote2 01 Dec 2014
In reply to Bruce Hooker:

> While shagging few would be able to do this. Can you?

Of course I can. I mean it's only for five seconds, isn't it?
 squirrel00 01 Dec 2014
In reply to Lusk:

well the priests never got struck down after playing with their favourite alter boys so I think you should ok
 Bruce Hooker 01 Dec 2014
In reply to Wiley Coyote:

you must be fit.
Wiley Coyote2 01 Dec 2014
In reply to Bruce Hooker:

> you must be fit.

Conservation of energy, Bruce, conservation of energy
 Bruce Hooker 03 Dec 2014
In reply to goose299:

Notice the "christian" replies to an atheist organisation.... loverly people!

"Atheist group Atheist Ireland condemned the act of vandalism, but did call for a non-religious replacement for the symbol.
In a statement this morning, the group said that they had received abuse since making the remarks.
"We have now been informed that we are going to burn in hell, are intolerant, pushing our views on everyone, seeking attention, gleeful, did not give the local people enough sympathy etc," the group wrote."
Clauso 03 Dec 2014
In reply to Bruce Hooker:

The atheists ought to declare a holy war on Christianity, if they're receiving that sort of abuse from them.
 Bruce Hooker 03 Dec 2014
In reply to Clauso:

How can atheists start a holy war?
Ste Brom 03 Dec 2014
In reply to Clauso:

I suggested the local anarchists should, but they said don't tell us what to do.
Clauso 03 Dec 2014
In reply to Bruce Hooker:

> How can atheists start a holy war?

How can theists?
Clauso 03 Dec 2014
In reply to Ste Brom:

You never learn, do you?... It's similar to that time when you tried to incite your local apathists, and they told you that they couldn't be arsed?
 Ramblin dave 03 Dec 2014
In reply to Clauso:

And when he tried to stir up the local nihilists but they wouldn't believe him...
 Cuthbert 03 Dec 2014
In reply to maisie:

Having read his comments a few times, I can only conclude the man is thick as mince.
In reply to Cuthbert:

Well, in fairness to Bruce I would only tell him that to his face; I wouldn't say it behind his back. Not that he would care anyway.

I quite like mince, though.


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