Haglund's Deformity

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 Tigger 03 Jun 2016
Hi folks,

So I've developed quite large bone spurs on my heels (Haglund's deformity) my tighter shoes have become quite painful to year on longer routes, even my all-day shoes become uncomfortable after a period of time. Has anyone had experience with this problem and found a solution that doesn't involve surgery or butchering shoes that allows them to wear aggressive rock boots? I'm miss my Miura VS's they use to be so comfortable!!

 Andypeak 03 Jun 2016
In reply to Tigger:

loads of calf stretching (10 times a day for 30 seconds) and I found wearing Silopos Achilles Heel Pads brilliant. Other brands are available which are just as good.
Mine never hurt when climbing though, only walking.
 Chris the Tall 03 Jun 2016
In reply to Tigger:
Yep, had it for the last 15 years or so.

Dr Scholls Moleskin pads - used to be able to get these in Boots but looks like they no longer stock them. You can get it from amazon (in a roll), just cut to fit. Stick to the inside of the heel of your shoes. This reduces the friction and pressure which the body is reacting to. Replace the padding every few months (depending on how often you climb)
 MoWalker3 03 Jun 2016
In reply to Tigger:

welcome? to the club Mike, I think my tight, confidence inspiring Miuras also exacerbated the problem. They are sadly relegated to the cupboard.
Find the right shoes. I found my heels comfortable in Scarpa Helix's (or at least the earlier version). They seem to have a thin soft heel rubber that conforms to the lumps.
And avoid too much heel hooking......
Otherwise heel pads covered in gaffer tape worked in my mountain and ski boots, not so good in shoes though.
OP Tigger 03 Jun 2016
In reply to Tigger:

Yea it's not so much that their inflamed but that pressure on the spurs them selves hurt, I stretch often and that helps, currently got gel heel patches on order and I also skinned a circle of rubber off the back of an old pair or miuras that I'm going to get resoled. I'll try the moleskin to though, thanks folks!
 Pawthos 04 Jun 2016
In reply to Tigger:

Hi Mike,

I've found the angle/position on the slingshot on different brands makes a huge difference. FiveTens cripple me, but La Sportiva is fine. I recently (Christmas) switched to the Tenaya oasi and find it to be brilliant. I've been pain free ever since - bliss!

I have no personal experience, but the Testarossa is thought to be kind to haglunds heels.
OP Tigger 05 Jun 2016
In reply to Pawthos:

Oddly enough I've got a pair of Testarossa's and they are far more comfy compared to my old Anasazi's however after a 20 min pitch I can't get them off fast enough. I try a pair of Tenaya's though, thanks!

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