When does the limit get reached - Syria

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OK, Im probably going to make this awfully simplistic which I know it really isnt which is further confounded by my lack of world politics and diplomatic experience but when is the world going to simply say, THAT'S IT, IT'S TIME TO STOP.

We have been watching this unfold for many years now and every day we have seen image of starving children, children being killed, neutral aid workers now being bombed and every other imaginable horror.

Does Russia really think that what its doing is right and why, when it has it in its power to stop this war overnight does it do nothing about it. If Russia forces Assad to stop, which I believe it could, for the sake of humanity, what would prevent the rest of the world uniting in solidarity against ISIS. Assad is bad for the country and region, that much we can all agree on but would his demise really be a vacuum for the country in such a way as to further bolster ISIS?

If this was the case, what would prevent world powers, hitherto uncomfortable bedfellows, such as China, Russia, US, UK, France, Germany etc etc allowing Assad to take refuge in a secret hideout to live out his life in luxury but away from power. This transition could be managed by the joint leaders of the powers until new powers are installed.

I just cant seem to get my head around the fact that, for whatever political reason, world leaders are allowing this tragedy to happen. It all seems to hinge on Putin and Russia. Surely he cant be sat in his office looking at what is happening and thinking this is a good thing?

When will the rest of the world actually stand together and say, enough is enough?

 Timmd 21 Sep 2016
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:
I think you probably can't expect Putin to be compassionate like most other people. The list of people who've been sent to prison or died/been killed after been outwardly critical of him and the politics he's part of in Russia, or tried to stand against him as an alternative to vote for, or had business dealings which haven't been aligned with what he wanted to do, is both chilling and uncanny.

I'd feel like I was waffling if I commented on Syria, but Putin's record in Russia speaks for itself. He gives me the chills.
Post edited at 16:16
 summo 21 Sep 2016
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

the only thing stopping the west doing anything is Putin's poker face. They really can't tell how far he is prepared to go to save face. After Crimea people think he might have no limits and no western country wants to start WW3. Syria and Crimea are sacrificial nations at present, better to lose them than the devastation WW3 could bring.

If Putin is given some exit strategy, so he can save face, then action can be taken against Assad.
KevinD 21 Sep 2016
In reply to Timmd:

> I think you probably can't expect Putin to be compassionate like most other people.

Other leaders have been known to run policies which result in massive loss of life and destruction.
Syria is one of Russia's few footholds in the area so they are going to be unwilling to sacrifice a leader who is in their debt for another who is rather unlikely to be.
 mrphilipoldham 21 Sep 2016
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

Installing new powers in Afghanistan and Iraq both went really well.. I think there might be an element of having learned from our mistakes in this, shock horror!
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

It's a fight over a gas pipeline. Europe wants to be less reliant on Russia for gas and Qatar want to build a pipeline to Europe.....but it will go through Syria. Iran could do something similar...but again it needs to pass through Syria. What lengths will Putin go to to protect the golden goose? Seems nobody has the balls to find out, probably wisely.

This is why Russia wants to keep Assad in control.

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