Booster jab

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 Dax H 11 Dec 2021

The original thread is archived. 

First off, thank you to Deleated Badger and to everyone and anyone involved in this process. 

So doors opened at 0730 Friday morning, needle in arm by 0750, out the door 0805 and on site at 0900 feeling fine. Easy day today, a couple of repairs and 4 services and home by 1730. Still feeling fine though I have the mother of dead arms.

1830 eating my tea, sausage mash and peas in a giant Yorkshire pud. Still fine.

1915 suddenly got very tired and feel cold.

1930 in bed shivering and dizzy.

It's now 0445, shivering stopped around 2200 then I got very hot, went to pee and was that disoriented I struggled to walk. Peed multiple times tonight, waking up every 30 minutes or so, still dizy and hot despite window being wide open and the Mrs and dogs bailed to the spare room. Mouth feels like a badger has taken up residenc in it.

Feels like a medium man flu. Unfortunately for me though I am excellent at all things I'm bloody rubbish at being poorly and I'm convinced I will pass away in the next 24 hours so I'm documentating this in the hope that it will helpedical sience down the line. 

 summo 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Let's get to the essentials, mint sauce and beef gravy with the Yorkshire? Bread loaf tin size, or little rounds ones? 

 Bottom Clinger 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Hope you start feeling better. 

Ed:  is the badger the one that was hassling SuperstarDJ?  Very kind of you. Bit weird though. 

Post edited at 07:22
 veteye 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Eat some properly made porridge for breakfast, so that at least you will have a slow leach of energy to supply you through the morning. If you must, then put golden syrup or honey on it, or cook w dried fruit. Then the best made mug of tea to help the aspirin/paracetamol/caffeine mix tablets down, which will help you (omeprazole or similar first if you are prone to gut ulceration). 

Work through it slowly. Don't expect too quick a change. After a couple of days, I felt that I might be wrong, and that it was not a side effect of vaccination, but rather the real thing, so I lateral flow tested, but it was negative. I started improving towards the end of the third day after the vaccination.

Remember it is worth it. Omicron protection with only 2 jabs is only effective in 30% of cases, but up to 75% with this booster.

 Maggot 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Had my booster Wednesday afternoon.  Starting feeling a bit 'blurgh' and legs felt weird about 20 odd hours later. Two paracetamol and been fine ever since. Luck of the draw I suppose.

OP Dax H 11 Dec 2021
In reply to summo:

> Let's get to the essentials, mint sauce and beef gravy with the Yorkshire? Bread loaf tin size, or little rounds ones? 

Beef gravy but no mint sauce. Lashing is pepper instead. 1 big roung one about 150mm diameter 

 Sealwife 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Had my booster at mid-day Sunday.

Went home, scoffed bacon roll, did some housework, ran 5k, cooked and ate roast dinner.  Drove teensger to string group rehearsals and home again, still fine.

Following day, out of bed, day off work so do shed loads of housework and run 10k.

Only symptom slightly stiff and sore arm.  I did have 14 tonnes of gravel delivered onto my driveway the day before the jab and shifted a fair share of it with shovel, barrow and rake, so both arms feeling stiff, but jabbed arm marginally more so.

Next day - nada.

 wintertree 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Third dose rates look to be going through the roof this week; it looks like their had been a lot of unused appointments they’re now filling up with the system open to over 40s and 3 months.

I had some pretty whacked out fever dreams after mine by Thursday night.  Main problem is sleeping badly from a sore arm out has put a joint in my back I buggered up 15 years ago showing off on a massive dyno.  One of several moments I’m going back to fix if I ever get my hands on a time machine.

OP Dax H 11 Dec 2021
In reply to veteye:

Sounds like you got it far worse than me. The porridge idea is a good one, I hate the stuff but with a blob of jam it's doable. Just woke up again so I will go use my tooth brush to lever the badger from my mouth and ask the Mrs to make me some. 

 summo 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

> Beef gravy but no mint sauce. Lashing is pepper instead. 1 big roung one about 150mm diameter 

No mint sauce and 45mins later you're going downhill, that's not just chance.

Had my booster Tuesday, felt a bit wonky wed / Thurs and cheated with a few painkillers, now out the other side. I don't think your reaction is unusual, but please buy some mint sauce just in case. 

 Andy Hardy 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Had mine on Monday. Nothing. Zip. Zilch.

After all the comments above I'm just hoping I didn't get a dud. 😶

 squarepeg 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Tried and failed again to book my booster jab.

Put details in to nhs site and it didn't recognise me, despite being at the same practice all my life.

Looked for a walk in place and the nearest one is miles away, where I had just come back from yesterday! No idea what's going on locally. 

 J101 11 Dec 2021
In reply to squarepeg:

Finally managed to book mine for Monday but rang the site just now to confirm they were doing people aged 40+ under 6 months from 2nd dose and was told they didn't think they were.

Wonderful, just f@#king wonderful. And the other centres near me that had appointments now are fully booked for next week.

 Jenny C 11 Dec 2021
In reply to J101:

Just had mine at my GP this morning who invited me by text. System flagged up "too early" as I'm under six months, but he was happy to do it as guideance has now changed to five.

 Sealwife 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Porridge with a tablespoon of Biscoff spread stirred in is utterly awesome.

 Dave B 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

All the best with getting over it.

I had the best time with the booster, compared to the first two, while my wife had the worst of the three. This was about 2 months ago. I wonder if we'll need another booster before spring... 

I only know of one colleague who had it so bad they ended up in a and e, but almost all of us are happy to have had the booster.

 TobyA 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Had my booster two Fridays ago after work. Last Saturday arm felt pretty bruised but that was it. Didn't sleep well on Saturday but probably more to do with setting the alarm for 5 am to drive up to the Lakes. Sunday, sleep deprived and coughing and sneezing a little drove up to the Lakes, had an excellent day climbing two routes on Browncove Crags and hiking on to the top of Helvellyn. Home by tea time feeling a bit tired and still like I had a cold coming on, but nothing worse.

Monday morning woke up feeling awful - coughing, headache, upset stomach, even a bit dizzy walking up the stairs and stuff. Stayed home from work Monday to Thursday feeling pretty lousy. LFTs said wasn't covid, but did a drive through PCR on Tuesday just to check. My boss recently had covid and her LFTs kept saying -ve even though her husband and kid had it, and when she did a PCR she was +ve, but my PCR was -ve also. Went back to work Friday but still felt a bit weak.

I suspect I had just got some other bug from one of the little darlings at work (teacher, so have to spend 4 to 5 hours a day in a hard to ventilate classroom with 30 - 34 teenagers who legally aren't required to wear masks in classrooms, even if they are expected to at all other times in school. WTF?!) but could it have been a reaction to the booster even if it didn't really kick in until 48 hours later? I felt grotty for a day after jab1 (AZ), nothing after jab2 (AZ), but this one was pfizer...? Who knows. At least I missed my worse groups this last week!

 Tyler 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Sounds like I got lucky (or I’m made of sterner stuff 😂) but I never got any side effects. I was convinced for a while the nurse hadn’t even jabbed me as I didn’t feel anything but my shoulder was very tender (as though bruised) for a bit. 
Looking at the latest figures it seems getting the booster is at least as important as either of the other two

 wercat 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

1202:protocol violation: failure to identify vaccine in post

 steveriley 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Tuesday night for me, big muscle twitch and bruised up. Tried to train Wednesday, went home after warming up and doing 20 mins. Tried to climb yesterday, didn’t get much done but mostly because it was freezing. Haven’t run all week and feeling hungover. That’s because I’m hungover. All good though.

OP Dax H 11 Dec 2021

Other than being tired for being awake all night I feel fine now, came on fast and left fast.

Don't tell my Mrs though, I plan to play on it for the rest of the day.

Summo, you may have a point so I have dispatched her to the shops to get some mint sauce, can't be too careful. 

 jgate 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

You think you can get away with milking it for a day?  Not a chance she'll fall for that nonsense.  

Had mine yesterday and struggling to raise my arm above shoulder height today but otherwise ok.  Not planning on anything strenuous though just in case.

 skog 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Had mine Wednesday evening.

All of my covid jags have given me a pretty sore arm for a few days. My first and second were AZ and one (I can't remember which) left me feeling quite 'fluey' for a few days, with the first day being very unpleasant; the other gave me a mild headache and vague aches for a day or so but nothing too bad. Both left me quite tired for a couple of days.

My booster was Pfizer, and apart from the sore arm I don't think I've had any side effects at all. Maybe a wee bit sleepier for a day or so, but I'm not sure that was down to the jag.

I'm pretty sure it's mostly just luck how crappy you feel after them, I'm not convinced there's much of a pattern to it.

I don't think I've had covid yet. I hope I don't get it for the next three weeks or so, before my booster is properly effective, but if I get it after that I suppose I'll be about as immunized as can be.

Anyway, hope your man-flu passes soon!

 Ciro 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Just had my booster, and was offered the flu jab alongside so I took that too. I thought it was only offer 50s getting offered the flu jab, but seems like a good idea to dose everyone up if it might take a bit of load off the NHS this winter!

In reply to Dax H:

I just traded in 6 month old Oxford AZ for brand new Moderna.

I reckon antibody wise that's like trading in Inspector Morse for a Humvee full of Blackwater mercenaries.  Those American antibodies may not recognise the Omicron variant but they'll f*ck it up with a 50 cal anyway.

 owlart 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Booked mine online last week, but earliest appointment I can get is 3rd Jan! No walk-in centres available in this half of the county, it seems. I thought these were supposed to be "popping up like Christmas trees"?

 freeflyer 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Andy Hardy:

> Had mine on Monday. Nothing. Zip. Zilch.

> After all the comments above I'm just hoping I didn't get a dud. 😶

You too are in ze list. I for one welcome my new lizard overlords.

@Dax get well soon mate.

I wonder if there is going to be any number crunching re vaccine types and reactions? Maybe ZOE will be able to do something. I had 2xAZ and Moderna booster, all with mild reactions, no detected infection as yet.

In reply to wintertree:

I would say the third dose is broadly in line with second dose rates from just over 6 months ago.

 wintertree 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Currently Resting:

> I would say the third dose is broadly in line with second dose rates from just over 6 months ago.

Broadly agree.   That's the maximum rate it could have been running at, given the eligibility criteria for the 2nd dose, but that criteria has changed, and I think dosing rates are rising in response to that...

The rates have been increasing over the last two months.  What's interesting is  last Thursday - the last day for which data is available, and the first day I think on which the expanded booking system was accommodating people...

For that Thursday, 3rd doses were up by about 48,000/day from the Thursday before, where-as the growth over the previous four weeks averaged about 20,000/day each week.

I'm pretty sure this is slack (previously unused) jabbing capacity that is now going to the additional people who can sign up with the gap being reduced from 6 months to 3 months.  There wasn't much notice to re-book for this Thursday so I'm hoping we haven't seen all of that slack capacity realised yet... 

Post edited at 15:36
 skog 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Ciro:

> Just had my booster, and was offered the flu jab alongside so I took that too. I thought it was only offer 50s getting offered the flu jab

It's mostly supposed to be - I assumed I wouldn't be offered it (aged 45 and none of the other conditions) and got it done privately in Boots a couple of months ago.

I did get asked whether it was just the covid jag I was in for when I went for my booster - I wonder whether I could actually have had the flu jag too, if I'd asked?

In reply to wintertree:

You could download the data from  to compare booster take up compared to eligibility from second dose numbers and dates. Would make an interesting graph.

 wintertree 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Currently Resting:

Already done - not perfect as some of those eligible will have since died.  A bigger effect the further right one goes on the plots.

 John Ww 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Tried to get a walk-in booster appointment at the local vaccination centre on Monday, but got turned away - “no chance mate”. Went online Wednesday teatime after the press conference to book my booster, and discovered that I was 7,535th in the queue, but that it would refresh itself every 15 seconds. I eventually got into the first screens after about 5 minutes, only for it to then crash, and had to start again. Repeat another two times, before finally getting to the end and getting an appointment for 3.30 Thursday. Turned up, got the jab, all fine, thanks to all the staff and volunteers (although I never imagined stepping into a Darby and Joan club). My only issue is that your only evidence is a piece of card with a vaccine name and batch number, and which doesn’t even have your name on it - I may have some difficulty presenting that as evidence of a third vaccination in Europe. Hopefully it will appear on the NHS app in the near future. 🙏🤞

 deepsoup 11 Dec 2021
In reply to John Ww:

> Hopefully it will appear on the NHS app in the near future. 🙏🤞

Should do.  It just suddenly occurred to me to check about a week or so after mine and it was there.

 Jenny C 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Had mine today at the GP today. Big sign saying pre-booked appointments only, but when I cheekily asked they were happy to do my husband at the same time (he isn't even registered with the same practice).

Worth revisiting the booking site, more appointments do seem be getting added. Round here several pharmacies are even offering jabs on 25th Dec.

OP Dax H 11 Dec 2021
In reply to John Ww:

I think I'm lucky, there is a major vaccination center 1 mile from my house. I booked 3 weeks ago and had my choice of dates and times with no problem. Hence I booked the earliest appointment on a Friday morning. 

In reply to squarepeg:

> Put details in to nhs site and it didn't recognise me, despite being at the same practice all my life.

Have a word with your practice, to make sure they have your details correct. I was a non-person for NHS Digital until my practice did some confirmations; i had a telephone consultation, and their system popped up some need to confirm my digital details. Thereafter, NHS Digital accepted my existence.

My experience with Moderna booster; 3pm jab. Fine until I woke up with a very sore arm the next morning, very tired. Achy enough that day to need a paracetamol. Improved the next day. Fine thereafter.

 Welsh Kate 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Had my booster on Thursday at 'Jabs R Us' on Cardiff Bay, a couple of minutes' drive from my home. Took a lot longer than my AZs at Barry Leisure Centre, but who cares, I got an armful of Moderna. The soreness in my arm is easing now but Thursday night I was freezing cold all night and yesterday I could barely stay awake. Feeling fine today

And here's a question: when we do IV injections in mountain rescue, we have it drummed into us to jab and then pull the plunger out a bit to check we haven't hit a blood vessel, then inject the drug. They've not done that with my AZs, my flu jab or my booster and yesterday the jabber had to clean up the blood dribbling down my arm. Why don't they pull out a bit to check as we're required to do?

 wercat 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Welsh Kate:

are you injecting into a blood vessel?  I was told the Covid jabs had to go into muscle

In reply to John Ww:

> My only issue is that your only evidence is a piece of card with a vaccine name and batch number

That’s more than you get in Scotland! Nothing given to me on any of the three jab appointments.

 Sealwife 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Climbing Pieman:

You can either use an app or download your vaccine record in Scotland

I couldnt get the app to work on my aged phone but managed to download the record no problem 

In reply to Sealwife:


russellcampbell 11 Dec 2021
In reply to John Ww:

Darby and Joan club! Speaking as somebody in their 70s I find this comment a tad ageist! To quote Townes Van Zandt, "Time is a fast old train." Anyway, Modena booster for me after 2 AZ jags. Didn't feel great next day but nothing drastic.  Managed back on the hills a day later.

 Ridge 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

2 X AZ for first doses. Felt really rough for a few days and flu like symptoms with first dose, nothing with second (same symptoms for Mrs Ridge).

Moderna booster yesterday, my arms still very sore and stiff (no similar issues with the AZ) but no other effects. No effects at all for Mrs Ridge.

 Welsh Kate 11 Dec 2021
In reply to wercat:

Sorry, typo. We are of course only doing IM injections as cas carers (though think the rest of the sentence shows that it was just a typo!) 

In reply to Welsh Kate:

You might like this:

Tl;dr this group of researchers think the rare myocarditis events triggered by the mRNA vaccines could be due to it inadvertently going IV instead of IM.

 David Alcock 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Pfizer booster after two AZs at 13.30 today. So far so good. I'm supposed to drive Stroud to Sheffield tomorrow, but I'm keeping my options open in case I feel shit in the morning. Oh, I was also offered flu, but I'd got it done weeks ago. 

 mbh 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Moderna booster yesterday after 2 x AZ.

Have felt wasted today, but that may be because I got up at 2:30 am. I don't sleep well. Arm (the right one, ha! I, a leftie,  remembered just in time to ask for this) a bit sore, but nothing else I could point to.

 Welsh Kate 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Yeah, thanks mate, I found that one earlier!

Fingers crossed.

 Ciro 11 Dec 2021
In reply to skog:

> I did get asked whether it was just the covid jag I was in for when I went for my booster - I wonder whether I could actually have had the flu jag too, if I'd asked?

Yeah, she said to me that although the official guidance on age hasn't changed, they're just offering it out anyway.

 Andy DB 11 Dec 2021
In reply to Welsh Kate:

As another MR medic who did the vaccinator training I asked the same question. The answers were:

- Aspiration might make it hurt more

-Deltoid unlikely to have any vessels big enough to worry about

-difficult to do with fine needle dose sparing syringe 

I think there is a balance of probability thing going on where it’s been judged that aspirating probably does more harm than good. I know one of our MR team doctors doesn’t think it’s that worthwhile in an MR context. The good news is that your spot of blood is more likely to be a surface vessel that got nicked by the needle.

 im off 12 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Had same flu thing after jag 1 and 2  both AZ. Started at 12hrs post inj and lasted 12h.

Booster moderna and 36h felt a tiny bit achey but that was it.

My immune system seems to be a right drama queen. If I get a cold I'm flu probably.

Good of u to think of medical science before you die. 

 mark s 12 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

i havent bothered with my booster. had an email and a quick look at it. not in a rush, might wait till new year when the rush has died down a bit.

 Lankyman 12 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

> i havent bothered with my booster. had an email and a quick look at it. not in a rush, might wait till new year when the rush has died down a bit.

I hope that doesn't become a case of Famous Last Words. Get it while you can would seem sensible.

 deepsoup 12 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

Don't be daft, crack on and get it done.

 brianjcooper 12 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

I had a Typhoid vaccination years ago.  Sore arm, headache and aching joints for two days. Felt like a bad dose of Flu.

No issue, other than a sore arm for a day, from all of my 3 Covid vaccinations. Compared to getting the real virus in both cases it was a no-brainer.

 alan moore 12 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Phizer booster first thing Saturday morning.

Thought I was going to die in the night but starting to come round 30 hours in.

 Fiona Reid 12 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Got it on Monday, really sore arm for a couple of days and felt really tired after 24 hours but just went to bed and woke up fine the next morning. Very happy to be done. 

 David Alcock 12 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Update. 27 hours later I'm still feeling pretty shite. It was worse earlier, so I'm hopefully coming out of it. Just tiredness, splitting headache and occasional intense nausea - the latter two went away around three hours ago. Bad enough for me to decide a long car journey was a stupid idea today. Onwards and upwards!

 mark s 12 Dec 2021
In reply to Lankyman:

> I hope that doesn't become a case of Famous Last Words. Get it while you can would seem sensible.

Im double jabbed,I'm pretty sure that's good from the evidence of what we keep being told. A few more weeks won't hurt , I'm working lots so don't have a lot of time .  I will have the one booster but I'm not doing it every 6 months 

 John Ww 12 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:


 Dan Arkle 12 Dec 2021
In reply to thread:

Should I get my booster?

I'm eligible, double vaxxed, BUT then had delta in late October (very mild).

I doubt it would make me any more immune, so was thinking of delaying until my natural immunity wanes a bit.


 Lankyman 12 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

> Im double jabbed,I'm pretty sure that's good from the evidence of what we keep being told. A few more weeks won't hurt , I'm working lots so don't have a lot of time .  I will have the one booster but I'm not doing it every 6 months 

I love wandering around graveyards (cheery old so-and-so aren't I?) reading the inscriptions, often of ordinary folks being 'busy' and not having a 'lot of time'. I particularly like the old one that goes 'As you are now I once was, as I am now you will be'. Makes you think ...

In reply to Dan Arkle:

Get it. Omicron coming soon to a nostril near you. Like, this month or next. You probably want to tool up as much as possible. Also jury's out on whether delta really prepares you for it at all. Booster can't help you if you leave it too late.

 neilh 12 Dec 2021
In reply to Dan Arkle:

30 days from your Covid you can get the booster , so get it. 

In reply to Dax H:

Thanks for the shout-out. 

It's going to be an interesting couple of weeks!

Take care everyone.


 Jenny C 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Deleated bagger:

Had mine (Pfizer) 10am Saturday and was just starting with a headache at bedtime.

Splitting hangover style headache all day Sunday and just wanted to sleep, also going hot/cold and with body aches (very reminiscent but more minor than I had with actual covid). Husband has had very similar symptoms and overall a far worse reaction than to his previous (AZ) jabs, mine has been nowhere near as bad as after the first (AZ) which really was pretty grim.

Both of us are still feeling rubbish Monday, but just about fit enough for work. No regrets about having it done!

 Moacs 13 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

> A few more weeks won't hurt , I'm working lots so don't have a lot of time .  I will have the one booster but I'm not doing it every 6 months 


 nathan79 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Slowly edging my way along the queue to needletown. Regretting opting for a big vaccination centre rather then the ex-Argos I got jagged for doses 1 and 2. In and out then for both, 50mins in and I'm almost there.

The appearance of the army boys seems to have upped the numbers being funneled through. I may salute them.

 mark s 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Moacs:

> Idiot

Why you calling me an idiot? 

I'm double jabbed which is acceptable. I'm waiting till the rush dies down. 

In reply to Dan Arkle:

> Should I get my booster?

> I'm eligible, double vaxxed, BUT then had delta in late October (very mild).

> I doubt it would make me any more immune, so was thinking of delaying until my natural immunity wanes a bit.

> Thoughts?

You situation was covered several times in the news both yesterday and this morning.

Summary - you should get a booster asap (after 28 days from having covid), due to Omicron variant now spreading, to give a higher level of protection than you will have from fighting covid. Something like three jabs gives same level of protection against Omicron as two did for Delta, and the antibodies you have from the Delta variant is unlikely to be as effective for Omicron.

In reply to mark s:

> Im double jabbed,I'm pretty sure that's good from the evidence of what we keep being told. A few more weeks won't hurt , I'm working lots so don't have a lot of time .  I will have the one booster but I'm not doing it every 6 months 

Don’t know what your source has been, but Omicron variant has changed things. Being just double jabbed is not enough protection generally now. A few weeks could change everything and not just your health. All of UK is now under a race to get everyone booster this month to help control this variant. You should get your booster asap is the standard guidance for most adults.

 MG 13 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

> .  I will have the one booster but I'm not doing it every 6 months 


 mik82 13 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

Double jabbed with what? If it's AZ you may have next to no protection. Double Pfizer pretty low. 

 mark s 13 Dec 2021
In reply to mik82:

That's why I'm going to have a booster . I thought that was the whole point of them. 

 mik82 13 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

Sorry, I though you said you were going to wait a bit. 

In reply to Dax H:

Booked for Friday myself.


 jkarran 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

I've been trying for days to get booked. Endless broken/deadend web pages, contradictory messages, queues that don't move. Not ideal really though I guess each policy change comes with a new wave of chaos.


 mark s 13 Dec 2021
In reply to mik82:

> Sorry, I though you said you were going to wait a bit. 

I can't get one as the numbers trying to get one. I'm not worried or over bothered as I will get a chance at some point. 

The NHS has been overwhelmed by Tory policy

 Moacs 13 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

> Why you calling me an idiot? 

> I'm double jabbed which is acceptable. I'm waiting till the rush dies down. 

Three reasons:

1. You aren't taking on the stark difference that the third dose makes over the two initial doses.

2. You aren't taking on the urgency of mitigating that stark difference.

3. You state that you won't have additional boosters - so in a year say, if effectiveness fades or a new variant emerges, you're "CBA".

In doing so, you put yourself and others at unnecessary risk both directly and indirectly.

= Idiot

Post edited at 11:53
 Wingnut 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Had mine (Pfizer) after work on Friday. Felt a bit lacking in get-up-and-go during Saturday's walk, but not sure if that was the booster or just me not feeling the love about the wet weather and all the footpaths being a nasty swampy squelch through thick mud and copious cowpats.

 Moacs 13 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

> I can't get one as the numbers trying to get one. I'm not worried or over bothered as I will get a chance at some point. 

> The NHS has been overwhelmed by Tory policy


 mark s 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Moacs:

You have some anger issues. Would you approach a stranger in the street with this attitude ?You having a bad day? 

I am going to get a booster when it fits with what I have on. But I'm sure that's not good enough for you, probably want everyone locked down like lockdown 1 

 deepsoup 13 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

> That's why I'm going to have a booster .

Contradicting yourself there, but it's good if you've changed your mind.

Moacs isn't calling you an idiot because of "anger issues", (s)he is calling you an idiot because what you've been saying in this thread is idiotic.

 Ciro 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

So 48 hrs after booster and flu jab here - and pretty much no ill effects. 

Pfizer on top of double AZ.

Mildly sore arm yesterday, and felt a bit tired in the evening - that was it.

I suspect threads like this are fairly self-selecting - people with a bad reaction are more likely to come on to talk about it - so paint a much worse picture than what the booster is likely to be like

 mark s 13 Dec 2021
In reply to deepsoup:

Oh here we go another one.

You can't please some people.

I haven't changed my mind,I will get a booster when the rush has died down .I'm not going to find a centre and demand I'm boosted. I'm pretty sure in the mean time I am going to survive .

 mark s 13 Dec 2021
In reply to deepsoup:

If been double jabbed and waiting a few weeks for a booster is idiotic according to you and your pal. I wouldn't go on Twitter and see what anti vaxxers have to say about it.

 Moacs 13 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

> You have some anger issues. Would you approach a stranger in the street with this attitude ?You having a bad day? 

Ha!  I really don't.  You asked me to explain why you're an idiot.  I have.

There was a chap our on his bike in the rain on a black black night the other day.  Dressed in dark clothes; unlit main road.  Two of those little impromptu "shrines" on it where people have been squashed before.  No rear light.  He is an idiot too, and I would have gladly explained that to him if I'd been able to.

 mark s 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Moacs:

I don't know what a never happened anecdote has to do with me waiting a few weeks for a booster ,but you carry on .  Careful out there xx going to bed now ,got a 12 hour night making the vaccine for the virus.

 deepsoup 13 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

> I wouldn't go on Twitter and see what anti vaxxers have to say about it.

They're deluded, which is different to being an idiot.  (Though it is of course possible to do both.)

Honestly, you strike me as being thicker than they are; you acknowledge the necessity of the vaccine but just can't be arsed to queue up for half an hour to get it.  You're quite right though, you almost certainly will survive even though you can't be bothered to maximise your chances and those of the people close to you.  (As well as a whole bunch of other people you probably don't even know.)

Oh, and regarding this bit (in reply to Moacs above):
"But I'm sure that's not good enough for you, probably want everyone locked down like lockdown 1 "

Nobody wants that, and you're taking some flack on this thread precisely because you are one of the ones making it more likely to happen.

 Maggot 13 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

> Im double jabbed,I'm pretty sure that's good from the evidence of what we keep being told. A few more weeks won't hurt , I'm working lots so don't have a lot of time .  I will have the one booster but I'm not doing it every 6 months 

Can we all come to your funeral, or will it be antivaxxers invitation only? 😆🙃🙃😆

 subtle 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Just been done - in, que for under 1 min, managed to dodge the arm folk and got an NHS person to administer the jabs, advised to sit and wait for the 15 mins but gave it a minute then walked out, picking up some LF tests on the way out as well

All in all great system, see how I feel over the next 48 hours though.

In reply to mark s:

The nutters are out in force today and don’t worry it’s not you.

I think it’s perfectly reasonable to question whether you should be pushing to the front of the queue if you’re double jabbed and have recently caught Covid.

In addition I think endless Covid boosters every 6 months aren’t desirable for the majority of the population except for the vulnerable (it would seem proportionate if they gave them to the same risk groups who are eligible for the flu jab once Covid becomes fully endemic).

Having said that if still highly recommend getting a booster ASAP (don’t worry about pushing more vulnerable people down the queue - for the most part they’ve been jabbed already). I’ve had mine and the side effects were milder than my second jab.

Interestingly London seems to be already moderating levels of Covid case growth, whilst surrounding regions are still going wild. The key feature with London is that it has much lower vax rates and higher past infection rates than the rest of the country. I suspect with your 2 jabs + Delta you’ll have stronger protection to Omicron than someone with 3 jabs, but it seems like a no-brainier to increase your immunity to 3 jabs + delta.

 jkarran 13 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

> I haven't changed my mind,I will get a booster when the rush has died down .I'm not going to find a centre and demand I'm boosted. I'm pretty sure in the mean time I am going to survive .

I think (to paraphrase) it's the "I'll have one more but that's it then" statement people consider a bit daft. If it changes again (it will) and let's say for the worse you'll need another jab. Even without another change this is likely an ongoing process for the rest of our lives becoming more important to us as we age. It might be mildly annoying but it's a force of nature over which you have no control. Frankly a jab in the arm every now and again is much better than the alternatives.


 Moacs 13 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

> I don't know what a never happened anecdote has to do with me waiting a few weeks for a booster ,but you carry on .  Careful out there xx going to bed now ,got a 12 hour night making the vaccine for the virus.

Aw bless.  You can't remember long enough to recall the bits of your posts that people are replying too.  Better save all your mental energy for that demanding packaging job.

xx - night night

 jkarran 13 Dec 2021
In reply to VSisjustascramble:

> I think it’s perfectly reasonable to question whether you should be pushing to the front of the queue if you’re double jabbed and have recently caught Covid.

In what possible twisted interpretation of reality is getting in a queue once eligible as requested by our public health team pushing to the front of it?.

> Interestingly London seems to be already moderating levels of Covid case growth, whilst surrounding regions are still going wild. The key feature with London is that it has much lower vax rates and higher past infection rates than the rest of the country.

Or the testing system is saturating slightly unevenly. LFT kits are currently unavailable from the central online ordering site.


 tcashmore 13 Dec 2021
In reply to jkarran:

> > I haven't changed my mind,I will get a booster when the rush has died down .I'm not going to find a centre and demand I'm boosted. I'm pretty sure in the mean time I am going to survive .

I think (to paraphrase) it's the "I'll have one more but that's it then" statement people consider a bit daft. If it changes again (it will) and let's say for the worse you'll need another jab. Even without another change this is likely an ongoing process for the rest of our lives becoming more important to us as we age. It might be mildly annoying but it's a force of nature over which you have no control. Frankly a jab in the arm every now and again is much better than the alternatives.

> jk

Also, the massive value of vaccines seems to be lost to people like the poster you responded too - I am pretty sure the majority of people will survive - but its about reducing the impact and spread of the virus which is all about numbers e.g. if the third dose reduces the impact of omicron by 75% (in terms of transmission - not sure of exact numbers),  we only achieve that number if 100% of population are vaccinated (give or take with natural infection etc).  Its about being part of the solution rather than part of the problem - I think at this stage, getting vaccinations into anyones arms is beneficial to the greater good rather than hanging on !  Also, to be honest, people with the attitude that they are going to be alright / survive are probably the ones who are going to take 'more opportunities' to spread the virus !

 Offwidth 13 Dec 2021
In reply to tcashmore:

Done this am. No problems.... my false arm hasn't changed a jot

In reply to jkarran:

> Frankly a jab in the arm every now and again is much better than the alternatives.

Yes. Getting these vaccinations is almost a non-event. Where I have had to go to get these, the operation has been incredibly efficient, so that I have been able to walk straight in, have the vaccination, wait 15 minutes, then walk straight out. 

The vaccinations themselves are the mildest I have ever had compared with all the ones I used to have to get for travelling around the world. (None of us ever queried the need to have those.) Two out of three of these Covid vaccinations I didn't feel at all - the needles are so sharp and the dose so small. I think calling them "jabs" is pretty silly: no one likes jabs, and these don't feel like jabs. Also, I had absolutely no after-effects - so if I were a conspiracy theorist, I might suspect the nurses hadn't actually stuck anything in my arm, or had injected me with an unnoticeable placebo!

 Iamgregp 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

I got my booster last week (I'm an underlying health conditioner, so get offered it early) and it gave me a right old sore arm for a couple of days.  Have also done something the shoulder on the other side (seeing a physio this week) so for a while both arms felt exactly the same.  

I know there's been a massive crush for people to get their boosters in, and the demand is high so that has caused some issues, so the temptation is to wait a few weeks until the demand has tailed off so it's a bit easier and convenient.  But if everyone did this it would undoubtedly lead several thousand more deaths occurring than if people had just gone and got themselves jabbed as soon as they can.

I'd implore anyone to just put themselves at a bit of inconvenience and get it done as soon as you can, it will literally save people's lives.

 Iamgregp 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Iamgregp:

Update, my other half (younger, non-underlier) had to give it a couple of goes just now, but got booked in for hers at the pharmacy round the corner for tomorrow.

It'll take 15 mins, and might just save someone's life.  Let's just get this done.

 jonfun21 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Iamgregp:

Just had mine - sat waiting for the 15 mins to elapse - as per last time all very efficient.

Massive thanks/respect to all the volunteers and people involved in this.

 owlart 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Anyone know what's happening to those who've already got an appointment in January? Are they likely to be contacted with a revised date? I don't want to cancel it only to find I can't book another one, or I end up with an even later date.

Post edited at 18:48
 MG 13 Dec 2021
In reply to owlart:

Probably depends where you are. At the walkin session earlier they automatically cancelled my future appointment. 

 wintertree 13 Dec 2021
In reply to owlart:

You can check availability before cancelling now if you go in to “manage my booking”.

 ebdon 13 Dec 2021
In reply to owlart:

I changed my 2nd jab date in the summer, I checked availability on line for sooner appointments, then quickly cancelled and re booked.  Obviously theres a slight risk you may not be able to re book but this is what I was advised to do at the time.

 Paul Baxter 13 Dec 2021
In reply to wintertree:

Currently operating a queue system for even using the booking management system. As I already have a slot booked - albeit just after Christmas - it seems excessive to try to jump into the queue and possibly displace someone else from getting a booking just to improve the timing of my booking. I'll keep watching a bit - if it all cools down and I can get an earlier slot, I'll do so. But today, I don't want to contribute to some IT guys headache.

 Jamie Wakeham 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

I've finally managed to book my booster for late on the 23rd.  I might try not to have too much shopping left to do on the 24th!

 owlart 13 Dec 2021
In reply to MG:

> Probably depends where you are. At the walkin session earlier they automatically cancelled my future appointment. 

Thanks. I'm on the south coast, and when I checked yesterday there were no walk-in centres offering boosters in this half of the county! I'll keep checking for new ones popping up.

 owlart 13 Dec 2021
In reply to wintertree:

> You can check availability before cancelling now if you go in to “manage my booking”.

Ahh, thanks. Last time I got my jab they didn't do that!

 T38 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Had my booster yesterday morning, woke up in the night after having strange scary intense dreams (I suspect I had a slight temperature), today pain in arm and a bit tired. I had the pfizer booster.

In reply to Dax H:

The online queue is estimated at 5 mins at the moment.  I’ve waited much longer to get through to the bank.

 climbingpixie 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

If anyone's in the Keighley/Bingley sort of area here are some walk in clinics this week.

 jkarran 13 Dec 2021
In reply to climbingpixie:

I managed to get what was presumably a cancellation for tomorrow, fourth time of trying. Worth persevering.


OP Dax H 13 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Well its update time. I'm still wiped out.

I feel okay but very tired and get dizzy and hot when I move. I took my first day off sick in about 10 years today. I tried working from home doing admin but after 4 goes of sending an email with an attachment (no attachment, wrong attachment, blank attachment, correct attachment) I gave up and went back to bed.

I think I have sussed out why I have been so rough though, due to people on holiday and others off sick it's been full on at work, I have been doing 70 hour weeks for the last 3 weeks and only Managing my lunch maybe 2 days a week. I was probably running as close to empty as I ever have on Friday and the booster tipped me over the edge.

Come what may I'm back on site tomorrow and fortunately a job has been canceled for tomorrow so the lad is coming with me to assist so worse case I can sit in the blower room and direct operations but I think getting out and about is the fastest way back to normal. 

In reply to Dax H:

Got Moderna on Saturday.  I was amazed at the ninja skills of the nurse who gave it.  The last two didn't hurt but were noticeable.  This time I felt some cotton wool against my arm then she said she was done and I couldn't believe she'd done anything.  I have no idea how you can push a bit of metal into somebody's arm and squirt in a couple of cc of liquid without them noticing.

I had no side effects from the AZ jabs.  The Moderna one left me a bit feverish for a day, not feeling good enough for my normal walk, and a slightly sore upper arm but I'm fine now.

 Moacs 14 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Do a LFT

 LastBoyScout 14 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Hope you're feeling better.

Had ours booked in mid January and managed to re-book them last week for Monday, before the weekend announcement and subsequent mayhem.

Didn't get much of a reaction to the last 2, but a couple of paracetamol before going probably helped. Wife had a very sore arm after her first dose, as little one accidentally kicked her in it that evening!

 Si dH 14 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

Just been jabbed at a small local pharmacy. It's very busy - must be a queue of 50 people waiting and 30 in various portacabins being jabbed, but it's well organised. It's in the middle of a housing estate so parking is hard! They are certainly getting through them.

My arm bled quite a bit for a few seconds - didn't have that with the first two.

 Toerag 14 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

> I haven't changed my mind,I will get a booster when the rush has died down .I'm not going to find a centre and demand I'm boosted. I'm pretty sure in the mean time I am going to survive .

You probably will.  But you also have to consider the loss of work time - your initial justification was that you're too busy with work. I'm pretty sure the amount of work time lost* should you become infected will outweigh that lost through going for boosters every 6 months.

*either personally because you're too ill to work or have to s.i., or because you've infected your family and have to take time off work to look after them.

OP Dax H 14 Dec 2021
In reply to Moacs:

> Do a LFT

I did 1 on Sunday and again this morning before going back to work. 

Been fine today, felt a bit off when I headed out but once I got to site working outside in the fresh air I was fine. 

Hopefully okay now until the next variation that needs another booster, so far Astra, Astra, Moderna. Just need Phizer for the full set. 

 David Riley 16 Dec 2021
In reply to mark s:

>  when the rush has died down .

Just had mine.  Was the only one there.  No sign of anybody before or after.

 Alkis 16 Dec 2021

I had mine at Nottingham City Hospital and it was a standard amount of busy, short queues and fast processing. That said, it's not the most popular venue for it and it was at 8:05AM.

Interestingly, it would appear my body remembers WTF this is alright, as inflammation kicked in within 20 minutes.

 Alkis 16 Dec 2021
In reply to Dax H:

I've got all the P's myself. 😆

Message Removed 16 Dec 2021
Reason: inappropriate content
 Jenny C 16 Dec 2021

In reply to Flexiblefriend:

Had a pretty horrid time with the booster reactivating many of the symptoms that I'd somehow forgotten about from when I had the initial infection, plus it's magnified my ongoing Long Covid symptoms.

If anything though it is a very good reminder of why I DO NOT want to catch covid a second time - so I'll be front of the queue (armed with a couple of boxes of paracetamol) if a fourth shot is offered.

 fred99 16 Dec 2021
In reply to Jenny C:

Not if I can get there first !

 Alkis 16 Dec 2021

Interestingly, I had the booster on the right and the first two on the left. Alas, all the muscle soreness I have is the site of the first two on the left. Didn't have any lasting pain after the first two so it's curious that it has reactivated. Maybe it's my 5G reception getting better! :-P

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