More regulatory concerns for belay anchors in the US

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 Offwidth 25 Nov 2023

Concerns about the latest National Park and National Forest regulations (ignore the annoying clickbait title):

 henwardian 25 Nov 2023
In reply to Offwidth:

So, first Australia banned all its climbing, now it's the US. Pretty sure I remember something about legislation in France in relation to bolts too. On the one hand it's nice to know the nanny state is there to keep baby cosy and warm but on the other hand it's nice to know that when all sport climbing is finally banned, I'll still have my trad rack and that endless horizon.

 Darron 25 Nov 2023
In reply to henwardian:

> So, first Australia banned all its climbing.


 rgold 25 Nov 2023
In reply to Darron:

No, but Parks Victoria has closed down a major portion (79% of the climbs) of an extremely important area, the Grampians.  The concerns are not quite the same as those of the US National Park Service, and have to do with the protection of sites of cultural significance to indigenous peoples. See for more information.

 henwardian 25 Nov 2023
In reply to Darron:

> Really?

Not entirely really.

But I was trying to cram hyperbole, weltschmerz, pink floyd and pirates of the caribbean into a single nugget, so I needed a bit of latitude.

 wbo2 25 Nov 2023
In reply to Offwidth:

I'm sometimes surprised we (climbers) have got away with some of the stuff we do for so long

 Darron 25 Nov 2023

In reply to:

> Not entirely really.

> But I was trying to cram hyperbole, weltschmerz, pink floyd and pirates of the caribbean into a single nugget, so I needed a bit of latitude.


 TheGeneralist 26 Nov 2023

Kinda tangential to the thread but I was full of shame and indignation when I found that (us) climbers were putting the few remaining clusters of rare alpine fauna in the lakes at risk from our winter climbing 

Right up until it was pointed out that the only reason these were the last pockets was the criminal overgrazing and farming all over the non vertical parts of the lake District...

 Doug 26 Nov 2023
In reply to TheGeneralist:

fauna or flora ?

 TheGeneralist 26 Nov 2023
In reply to Doug:

True but that's a minor details compared to the fact that I seem to have posted it the wrong effing thread.

What an utter Tumschie ( flora, as you say)


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