Climbing Coaches and Instructors needed for Research Survey

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 clarerose 12 Jul 2022


I am looking for participants for a research survey, which I am undertaking as part of my masters degree final research project. The survey aims to explore the ways climbing coaches and instructors teach climbing movement skills. I am interested in hearing from people working both indoors and outdoors, in bouldering and roped climbing, with and without qualifications. 

What does it involve? Completion of a 45-60 minute online survey.

Who can take part? Anyone actively involved (currently working or volunteering) in the coaching or teaching of climbing, both indoors and outdoors, across all climbing disciplines. You must be over the age of 16, and must be working in the UK. You do not have to hold a coaching or instructing qualification.

Why take part? This survey aims to explore the tools, activities, behaviours and methods that climbing coaches use to teach climbing movement, to develop a broad understanding of real-world practice.

How to take part? Visit:

Please feel free to share with colleagues.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact me via my university email address: [email protected] 

Thank you in advance.

 Paul at work 12 Jul 2022
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