Creag na Caillich - Survey

Creag na Caillich (NN562376) is positioned at the western end of the Tarmachan Ridge. It has a 916m (3005ft) spot height on current Ordnance Survey maps, and as its map height is above 3000ft it is listed by the Scottish Mountaineering Club as a Munro Top. However, a previous survey by Alan Dawson found that this hill is just under 3000ft. Our aim was to gather a minimum of two hours of summit data and submit these data to Ordnance Survey. Would Creag na Caillich prove to be under 3000ft in height and therefore be taken out of the listing of Munro Tops?

11 Sep, 2015
Very interesting - I bet Sir Hugh would be amazed by all this GPS kit. However - your intro mentions "283 Munros" - are you sure? I thought there were now 282, after the demotion of Beinn a'Chlaidheimh? With 7 to go, I need to know!
You're right Steve - I think you've still got only 7 to go. Thanks for spotting that. Obviously I can't keep up.
11 Sep, 2015
That's a relief!
15 Sep, 2015
Then why on OS Maps online service is Creag na Caillich shown as 916 metres and Mullach Coire nan Cisteachan shown as 914 metrs?
15 Sep, 2015
No doubt this is why the survey was carried out - because somebody suspected these numbers to be wrong. If the survey has been carried out to the correct standard, then the OS will adopt the findings in the next revision of their maps. It won't be immediate though - it isn't OpenMaps.
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