Cotswold Bouldering

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 Bunchuk 02 Oct 2009
Does anybody know if there have been any hard (7a and above) bouldering problems put up at any of the three main Cotswold crags (Cleeve Hill, Leckhampton Hill and Haresfield Beacon)? Indeed have there been any recorded boulder problems in this area! Thanks
 David Rose 02 Oct 2009
In reply to Bunchuk: You must be joking.
 Rupey 02 Oct 2009
In reply to Bunchuk: Try searching on UKbouldering. I may be fantasizing but I'm sure I remember a thread that referred to some hard problems at Cleeve Hill. I once wandered past the main edge to look at the smaller outcrops, some of which were fairly steep - I assume they are eliminates on these.
OP Bunchuk 03 Oct 2009
In reply to Bismarck:

Thanks, I will try that.
 TobyA 03 Oct 2009
In reply to davidoldfart:
> You must be joking.

Not very funny joke then.
Cleeve Hill (Castle Rock) is here: It used to be in the old West Midland guide - not sure what its in now.
 David Rose 03 Oct 2009
In reply to Bunchuk: I suppose you could call these routes highballs if that's your thing. However, the rock is quite friable on Cleeve Hill and absolute rubbish at the other venues. I wouldn't want to solo or boulder more than a metre from the ground there myself. Neither is there anything that could remotely equate to 7a. The Cotswolds are lovely for a gentle ramble, a poke around village antique shops or a summery lunch. But serious climbing? Fuggedaboutit.
 Solaris 03 Oct 2009
In reply to TobyA and Bunchuk:

It's in the Wye Valley guide but the graded list off the UKC logbook plus some route nouse would be enough. Basically, you can climb anywhere up to 5c and few lines are a bit harder. There's a low level traverse that provides the hardest moves on the crag. As David says, wouldn't want to solo though.
OP Bunchuk 05 Oct 2009
In reply to Solaris:

Thanks for the suggestions. I was just wondering because I live relatively close to haresfield beacon and I know there are a (very) few medium-ish grade problems at the crag, such as the short leaning boulder at the far left which might go at a soft V4. There were also a few blank spaces (for instance on the separate bottom bit) which, if you eliminate the aretes, look holdless.

I was just wondering if anyone on UKC knew of anybody who'd done some hard eliminant of this nature on haresfield or any of the other local crags. I mean it's a million to one shot but I know groups like the Gloucester mountaineering club do come down here from time to time so I thought it was worth asking about.

thanks again.

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