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The Bassetlaw Hill & Mountain Club was formed in 1999 and is affiliated to the British Mountaineering Council
The club has between 30 and 40 members, mainly from the North Notts, Derbyshire and South Yorkshire areas, meeting at the The Station Hotel, Worksop, Notts on the first Wednesday of each month at 8.00pm. (except in January when we meet on the second Wednesday, and August, when there is an evening walk instead, taking advantage of the lighter nights).
Club activities are concentrated on the mountaineering disciplines of Hill Walking, Scrambling, Rock-Climbing and Winter Mountaineering, generally operating within the middle grades.
A comprehensive programme is offered with outings to most mountainous areas of the UK, summer crag climbing nights in the Peak District and three or four Hut Meets per year to areas such as Lake District, Wales and Scotland.
Members can chose from several channels to keep up to date with club activities; there is our very active Facebook Page, Forum, Instagram, and also regular emails, with the occasional journal being compiled from articles submitted to our Secretary.
Beginners are welcome and encouraged provided that keen and active participation in the sport is their main aim.