Logbooks & Crags

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Clickable world map of crags

We have details of over 24,100 crags worldwide. Users have contributed information for 637,600+ climbs with photos, crag locations, access notes, guidebooks, rock type, etc.

This section includes details of hundreds of Climbing Guidebooks, and an overview of World Climbing grades.

The UKC Logbooks are a place to record your climbing successes, failures and climbs that are on your wishlist. Each registered user on the site has their own personal Logbook, and they can choose whether to share it with other users, or to keep it completely private.

New additions to Logbooks

4,444 logged climbs added in the last day. View Latest Acents

Ticklists of Climbs
This new feature lets you build & share Ticklists of Climbs that you can complete using your Logbook - from famous lists like all the climbs in Classic Rock, to your personal favourite top ten slab climbs to share with your climbing partners.

Example calendar viewExercise Diary
Using the UKC Diary for 2024 you can see a year-planner showing all your climbing days, but you can also record other types of exercise that you do - whether it is indoor climbing, running, cycling, exercise classes, or walking. and get graphs of your exercise over the year. You can enter as much or as little detail as you like so it should suit everyone, including the training cognoscenti!

Show Graphs
Which are the most popular crags? What is the average grade climbed by UKC users? How popular is top-roping? Show Graphs for all Users has the answers in glorious technicolour.

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