We ask all climbers to complete an Induction, to demonstrate competence before any use, to book an induction session, ring 01642 342267 / 01642 384591.
Bouldering - 50m sq' including 15 and 30 degree overhanging walls, and vertical walls. 300mm Safety matting.
Roped and Leading (8m high) - 150M sq' Ranging from slabs, vertical double overhang, barrell overhang and a Tufa feature panel.
All lead fixings in place.
Safety flooring, Top Ropes in Situ, bring your own lead ropes.
This is a small wall, so please be sensible about numbers.
Groups can be arranged on(01642 342267 /
[email protected])
There must be a minmum of 2 people in the wall at all times.