Les Falaises du Gard

Author Not clear
Published ? (0000)
ISBN Not given


Covers a number of crags in the Gard area SE of Avignon. Collias, Russan, Seynes, etc. Not the easiest guidebook to find your way around, but gives photo-topos and access notes for the crags. Quite a lot of advertising for local climbing shops, walls campsites,etc, and padded out with some bizarre cartoons. But a useful guide nonetheless, including my current favourite spot, Collias. [PeteC]

Other editions of this guidebook
Les Falaises du Gard (2017)

Crags covered by this Guide
Gard crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Aubais 19 Limestone S
Collias 305 Limestone S
Gargantua 50 Limestone NW
Pont d'Auzon 21 Limestone N

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