Arrampicata sportiva a Cortina d'Ampezzo

Author Roberto Casanova
Published ? (2004)

This Guidebook is now out of print, and unavailable


A small but very useful guide to 13 sport climbing areas in the Cortina region of the Dolomites, including the very popular Cinque Torre. Text in Italian, German and English. Plenty of maps and the routes are shown in topo format, aithough the descriptions are limited to whether they are a slab (plc), vertical (vrt) or overhanging(str). [Chris Moor]

Other editions of this guidebook
Arrampicata sportiva a Cortina d'Ampezzo (2006)

Crags covered by this Guide
Dolomites crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Cinque Torri 150 Dolerite SE
Crepe de Oucera Alti 78 Limestone S
Landro 76 Limestone E
Sass Dlacia 227 Limestone all
Veneto crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Sass de Stria (Hexenstein) 40 Limestone all

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