El Desfiladero de La Hermida 2

Author Richie Patterson
Published Roca Verde (2021)
ISBN 978-0-9928874-5-5


Climbing in La Hermida gorge. The area straddles both Cantabria and Asturias

Crags covered by this Guide
Asturias crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Bejes (Hermida Gorge Centre) 37 Limestone S
Catiusca 30 - ?
El Infierno (Hermida Gorge North) 28 Limestone SE
El Salmon (Hermida Gorge Centre) 35 Limestone S
Mirador de Cofria 18 Limestone W
Rumenes (Hermida Gorge North) 68 Limestone SE
Cantabria crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Cabañes 66 Limestone SE
Hermida Gorge South 130 Limestone S
Hermida Pillar Area (Hermida Gorge Centre) 78 Limestone all
Los Llanos 11 Conglomerate S
Parelosa 24 Limestone N
Pechón 33 Limestone SE
Pendes 68 Limestone S
Urdon (Hermida Gorge North) 36 Limestone S

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