France Roc 1 Bourgogne – Auvergne 2nd edition

Author David Atchison-Jones
Published Jingo Wobbly (2021)
ISBN 978 1 873 665-17-6


A new expanded edition covering 256 crags in central France. Each crag has a map and topos, just enough to get you going.

Crag coverage in any area is perhaps a bit light for a big trip there, but to keep in the car to find stop offs on the way through it's invaluable. If, like us, your days of 12 hour drives to the south coast or the Alps are over, you can break that up into three short drives and go climbing every day.

Crags covered by this Guide
Ardèche crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Issarles 3 Granite NW
Les Cabannes 100 Granite SW
Côte-d'Or crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Montbard 40 Limestone ?

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