Franken 1

Author Ulrich und Harald Ršker
Published Gebro verlag (2005)


An excellent guidebook written in English. It has general information about each crag and how to get to it. It also includes detailed maps. [skygodley]

Crags covered by this Guide
Frankenjura, DE crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Andeltodrom 13 Limestone N
Bleisteine 19 Limestone N
Breitenberg Sudwand 20 Limestone S
Diebesloch, Lower Wall 7 Limestone NE
Edelsteine and Nebenfels 27 Limestone ?
Eherbacher Wand 15 Limestone NW
Elfenwelt - Sektor Patsy 11 Limestone SW
Fellner Dolinenwand 9 Limestone E
Föhrenstein 33 Limestone ?
Heinrichsgrotte 28 Limestone NE
Klinge 69 Limestone all
Lindenstein 30 Limestone N
Obere Schlossbergwände 56 Limestone NE
Planetarium 15 Limestone SE
Püttlachtaler Wand 45 Limestone N
Riesenburg 14 Limestone SE
Schiefer Tod 16 Limestone NE
Schlosszwergwand 19 Limestone N
Schlupflochfels 10 - SW
Trautner Ged.-Wand 17 Limestone N
Treusteiner Wand 7 Limestone ?
Tuchersfeld Wand 11 Limestone S
Weidener Wand 26 Limestone N
Zwergenschloss 44 Limestone NW

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