Klatring I Rogaland

Author BRV (Bratte Rogalands venner - local climbing club
Published ? (2002)


Sorry don't have a copy but Rob Naylor who posts and lives there will have more info - the above is lifted from his website [Simon Lee]

Crags covered by this Guide
Rogaland crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Dale 120 Granite SE
Dirdal - Dirdalsveggen 4 Granite S
Himlingen 4 Granite S
Hommeland 22 - S
Hunnedalen 80 Granite all
Kjerag 29 Granite all
Nordland 69 Granite SW
Salomonsknuten 3 - all
Sirevåg 100 Granite all
Skeisfjell 8 Granite W
Tauveggen 20 Granite S
Vest-Agder crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Tveideknuden 2 Gneiss W

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