
Author Iwan Arfon Jones
Published Climbers' Club (2009)
ISBN 978-0-901-601-81-0



A full colour guide illustrated with 65 photodiagrams and a fine selection of action photos.

The text has been comprehensively updated, with details of over 50 new routes climbed since the last guide and revised assessments of the popular classics where necessary.

The guide contains descriptions of the most popular bouldering areas in the Pass written by local bouldering guru Simon Panton. There is a graded list and a glossary of climbing terms in Welsh.

The book lays a strong emphasis on encouraging climbers to visit the lesser known crags. Thirty two of the photodiagrams illustrate crags that have not had diagrams in previous guidebooks, and a light-hearted Alternative Llanberis List is given of recommended climbs off the beaten track. There are eight photoplans, complemented by both area and detail maps, which show the location and approaches to all the cliffs.

Other editions of this guidebook
Llanberis Climbers' Club (2003)

Crags covered by this Guide
Conwy crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Gallt Dol Ithel 2 Rhyolite NE
Gwynedd crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Bryn Du 4 Rhyolite ?
BWTRES BACH 31 Rhyolite S
Carreg Gwalch 16 Rhyolite N
Carreg Wastad 82 Rhyolite S
Carreg Wastad Uchaf / Areteland 11 - SW
Castell Graig (castle rock, the thumb) 7 Rhyolite all
Clogwyn Blaen Coed 14 Rhyolite SW
Clogwyn Gafr (aka Craig Fach) 22 Rhyolite NW
Clogwyn Gaol 7 Rhyolite ?
Clogwyn Llo (aka Cwm Glas Facet) 29 Rhyolite NW
Clogwyn Mawr 1 - N
Clogwyn Mawr Cwm Cerwyn 10 Rhyolite SE
Clogwyn Pen Llechen 16 Rhyolite SE
Clogwyn y Ddysgl 72 Rhyolite NW
Clogwyn y Grochan 100 Rhyolite S
Craig Aderyn (Teyrn Bluffs) 9 Rhyolite SW
Craig Beudy Bach 1 Rhyolite NE
Craig Cwm Beudy Mawr 11 Rhyolite NE
Craig Cwm Glas Bach 59 Rhyolite NW
Craig Ddu 51 Rhyolite SW
Craig Ffynnon Peris 10 Rhyolite SW
Craig Simdde Sian 6 Welded Tuff NE
Craig Y Ddol 10 Welsh igneous NE
Craig y Giat 4 Rhyolite NE
Craig y Rhaeadr 22 Rhyolite NW
Craig yr Hwntw 2 - ?
Creigiau'r Cadeirydd (Chairman's Rocks) 4 - NW
Crib Goch 26 Rhyolite all
Croeso Boulder 5 - S
Cromlech boulders 304 Welsh igneous SW
Cyrn Las (Gyrn Las) 36 Rhyolite E
Dinas (Nant Peris) 5 Rhyolite S
Dinas Bach 23 Rhyolite NE
Dinas Cromlech 94 Rhyolite S
Dinas Mot 158 Rhyolite N
Drws y Gwynt 21 Rhyolite SW
Equator Walls 7 Rhyolite NE
Esgair Felen 5 - S
Esgair Maen Gwyn (Scimitar Ridge) 43 Rhyolite E
Esgeiriau 20 Rhyolite NE
Ettws Isaf 43 Rhyolite N
Gaskins Grotto 20 Gritstone SE
Gravestones/ Hidden Wall/ Yr Ochr Wen/ Twll Tin 55 Rhyolite NW
Intermediate Slabs 7 Rhyolite all
Llechog 8 Rhyolite all
Nant Peris Quarry 7 Slate N
Ponc Knoll 9 - NW
Pont y Gromlech Slabs 20 Rhyolite E

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