
Author Dave Ferguson, Iwan Arfon Jones, Pat Littlejohn
Published Climbers' Club (2002)
ISBN 0-901601-70-5


Edited by Bob Moulton, this is the second edition of the climbing guide to the Llyn Peninsula in North West Wales. It includes historical, nature conservation and bird restriction notes, together with the usual index of climbs and list of first ascents. Crags are mainly though not exclusively coastal including Cilan Head on the south side with its massive intimidating roofs and routes up to E7, together with mid-grade climbs of up to 700ft. on the north westerly facing shore of the peninsula. A comprehensive guide to a relatively newly-developed area where there is still potential for new routes of varying difficulty. [Richard Lewis]

Crags covered by this Guide
Gwynedd crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Carreg Lefain 17 Rhyolite S
Cilan Head 100 Gritstone W
Craig Ddu (Lleyn) 17 Welsh igneous W
Craig Doris 79 Crumbly rubbish S
Craig Gallt y Ceiliog 2 - NE
Craig Y Cwm 7 - NE
Craig y Llam 4 Granodiorite N
Craig yr Hafn 6 - NE
Gwylwyr Quarry 24 - NW
Pen-Y-Cil 19 Dolerite SW
Porth Ceiriad 6 Sandstone (hard) SW
Trwyn Maen Melyn (Lleyn) 37 Welsh igneous S
Trwyn y Gorlech (Lleyn) 22 Granodiorite NW
Trwyn Y Tal (shale city) 4 Shale ?
Trwyn yr Wylfa Area 101 Crumbly rubbish SW
Ty'n Tywyn Quarries 83 Microgranite SW
Mid Glamorgan crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Pared Mawr 0 Sandstone (hard) ?

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